And the earth moved under my feet . . .


Is the world changing?

When I look at the history of humanity I see a number of evolutionary shifts. The first was when we shifted from being hunters and gatherers and became an agricultural society. At that time we also shifted from feminine goddess worship where we were in alignment with nature and followed our food source to a more masculine, domination based perspective of life and gods. Another shift took place during the Renaissance, the art changed, society changed and we began to see the world from a different perspective. The next shift that took place we called the Industrial Revolution.

I believe we are at a point in history where another shift is taking place, one of awareness, where we have the opportunity to become aware of our true nature. We are beginning to realize we aren’t our bodies, that we are the energy that gives life to our bodies. I believe we will begin to use more of our brain and develop abilities such as healing, intuition and perhaps even something like telepathic communication.

Jesus was an amazing man. He could change people just by being in their presence. He could heal them and raise people from he dead. He told is followers that they could do the same things he did and even better. I believe he was a precursor of the next evolutionary shit.

So what do you want to experience?

We can embrace change and even enjoy it or we can be afraid and try to keep everything the same. Life is all about change. We are the creator of our reality. What do you want to create in the coming months? I live in Hawaii very close to an active volcano. I had several people ask me this week if I was afraid of radioactivity and I couldn’t help but laugh.

I think the events of the past week are a wake up call. We are guest on this planet earth. We can view everything as perfect, as a perfect opportunity to deepen our connection with our spirit or we can continue to argue for our limitations and reinforce our filter system.

So what will you create in 2012? For that matter what will you create next week? Love or fear? Joy or sadness? It is after all up to you.

With love and aloha,