One of the things I love about the Toltec Tradition is the three Masteries: Awareness, Transformation and Intent. On my yahoo e group Toltecmastery I suggested people post their intent for the day, a very powerful practice I do daily.

As I read the posts I realized there was confusion about intent and how to successfully use it to harness our innate power. So I decided to do a free class on Intent. That combined with new technology allows me to open up my classes to many more people.

So, on Sunday January 11th at 8 PM Eastern Time I will be having a free class on the power of Intent. It is one of most powerful of the three Toltec Masteries and perhaps the least understood.

Join me for this in depth discussion and make sure you bring your questions. This class is open to anyone and thanks to this new technology literally thousands can attend, so if you know someone who might benefit feel free to invite them.

EVENT:  The Power of Intent

DATE & TIME: Sunday, January 11th at 8:00pm Eastern

FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)


And if you have some specific questions about intent that you really want me to answer go to this link now and type in your questions.

That way I will have them before the seminar begins. Hope you can join me Sunday. It will be a powerful class and lots of fun.

A great exercise would be for you to write about your understanding of intent and observe how you use it in your life on a daily basis.

With love and aloha,