Aloha everyone,

I have been surfing the web a lot lately and have run across quite a few blogs talking about the pros and cons of abortion. I think abortion is one of those highly charged emotional issues that invite polarization. I have never quite understood how people can be pro life yet have such anger and hatred for people who choose to exercise their choice.

Years ago one of my students got pregnant and decided to terminate her pregnancy. I went with her and sat with her as she mourned the death of her child. She always assumed I thought she should end the pregnancy. I never shared my opinion with her because it was her choice. I would have loved to have held her child and had the opportunity to welcome her into this world.

I know in my heart of hearts that if that child was really meant to be born she would have been. I have known people who lived even though their mother’s tried to abort them. I often talk about the concept that everything is perfect and that there are no mistakes just choices and outcomes. As my Hawaiian teacher says, “Everything is pono, until we tell ourselves otherwise.”

All of life is a choice. Everything that is in our life is there because we have invited it. If something isn’t in our life it isn’t there because we haven’t invited it yet. Moment by moment we have the opportunity to choose love or fear. I have seen people who call themselves Christians picket abortion clinics and angrily judge the women going into the clinics. I have wondered how someone can claim to be a Christian yet not follow Christ’s most fundamental teachings of unconditional love, acceptance and not judging others.

Personally, I could never abort a child and I think that is a choice every woman has the right to make for themselves. I also know that when I have a strong emotional reaction to some external event my emotions are triggered by my filter system. The stronger the reaction the more limiting that part of my filter system is, so the greater the freedom is once I release it.

It sure would be nice if instead of projecting our emotions on out there we would use that energy to go within and free ourselves. If more of us deepened our connection to our spirit the world would certainly be a much more loving place.

With love and aloha,