I often talk about how everything in life is pono, absolutely perfect. I am always amazed at the synchronicity that happens in life when I allow it and when I take the time to notice. I came to visit my dad for his birthday. Before I checked out of my hotel I was watching the sun rise over the ocean and just giving thanks. I silently said a prayer. I asked to be shown if there was anything I could do to make my dad’s life easier.

I came to say goodbye and wound up taking him to the doctors instead. To my surprise the doctor ordered hospice care. What a gift that has been. There are people monitoring his medicines, cleaning his house and just generally taking care of him.

Ironically, the woman who showed up to access him had taken care of my step mom when she died. I have met so many kind and caring people. When I go home next week I will breathe a sigh of relief that he is so well cared for. I met a man who decided to create a business dedicated to caring for the elder after he had a near death experience. What a wonderful person and all he wants to do is help people live comfortable in their own homes.

I’ve felt like one angel after another has appeared this week. I had to laugh, when I was debating about when to go home I called the airlines about changing my ticket. To leave this weekend would cost $1600 but to go home next Tuesday there was no charge. It made making that decision very easy.

Each afternoon I have watched a tiny hummingbird feed on the bright red bush outside my dad’s window. What an incredible journey life is. I love watching the endless cycles, observing the sun’s journey through the sky, seeing the clouds dance by and to see people live and die.

Death can certainly enrich life and remind us to enjoy each and every moment or we can view it as a tragedy. I am enjoying the process of being with my dad and reminding myself it is his show and I am only an observer. I can try to control the process or just love him, listen to his wishes and try to help him make it so.

What a relief that is. Last year I tried to make him happy and in the process made myself miserable and him very angry. I get to do it very differently this time. I have the opportunity to surrender and ask myself, “What would love do?” I also have the chance to let go and listen a lot. Life is such an incredible gift.

Today I know that when it is ‘hard’ I am making it hard with my resistance to what is. I can accept what is and allow it to be easy whenever I am ready and willing. I am so grateful I don’t have to swim against the current anymore and I can allow myself to enjoy the process, whatever the process is at the moment.

Gratitude and surrender are two wonderful gateways to happiness and joy. I am glad I have embraced them and invited them into my life, just for today. Tomorrow I will invite them again, but by the time tomorrow gets here it is today so I only really have to take care of today.

With lots of love, gratitude, peace and joy,

I just posted my latest podcast and if I do say so myself
It is the best yet!!!!!

listen to Food for the Soul

check out my latest class
Unraveling the Mysteries: Mastering Life