An orchid in a tree on the way to my labyrinth
Here in Hawaii contrary to popular beliefs we do have four seasons. They are just less pronounced than say Vermont. It took me several years to really notice the difference. For me the most notable change is the color of the sky and the quality of the light. This morning as I meditated in the center of my labyrinth the blue of the blue sky was breath taking.
Just as in our lives, it is often the subtle changes that make a big difference. When a pilot flies from Hawaii to the west coast he is off course as much, if not more than on course. The autopilot keeps making tiny adjustments to bring the plane back on course so it arrives successfully at its destination.
What adjustments could you make in your daily life to get you where you want to go? Are you ready to stop focusing on the illusion of ‘physical reality’ and see the reality of your creation based on the energy you project?
Life is a big amusement park where we project our limitless energy through the distortion of our filter system and then we have an experience. If we change our filter system low and behold what we think of as ‘out there’ changes. What could you see in your life in a more loving manner? What subtle changes could you make in your thinking?
Moment by moment we either deepen our connection with our filter system our our spirit. Which are you choosing most often by the thoughts you have?
With love,