When I was in my early 20’s I had an accident and hurt my back. Being 20 I ignored it and just lived my life. As I got older my back became crankier and more painful but I had no idea how much it affected my life.
This week I had a procedure done and I am totally pain free. I built a stone wall in my pond yesterday and just generally enjoyed myself. This morning I realized how my life had gotten smaller and smaller because of the pain.
Then I began to think about my filter system. We can’t see our filter system because it is so much a part of us we just adapt to it and keep getting the same results. Once I saw the difference being pain free made I decided to move more deeply into loving everything equally.
I just finished facilitating an Awakened Angel Class and it was fascinating watching people’s responses. Unfortunately I watched some people allow their filter system to overtake the freedom of becoming an angel. The ones that embraces their angel self were beyond happy.
Today I am a pain free angel and anything is possible. I had no idea I was limiting myself with my back pain.
How are you limiting yourself with your thoughts?
Do you believe you are a limitless being of love and light and laughter?
Or are you a human being filled with knowledge? (As soon as you say ‘I know’ you have limited yourself)
When we surrender to love anything is possible. When we embrace the idea of loving EVERYTHING equally or lives become an amazing work of art.
Love everything, absolutely EVERYTHING equally and see what happens. Love to see your thoughts and hear about the miracles that occur in your life.
With love and aloha,