Personal freedom, a life of ease and happiness become part of our life when live from a place of balance and harmony. Our filter system constantly ‘pulls us’ off balance. When we are thinking about life instead of being in the moment we can’t find that place of inner balance and harmony. Trying to create harmony or anything else for that matter is useless. Trying to do something is very different from actually doing it. As the great master Yoda once said, “There is no try, there is to do or not do.”
Finding actions that generate a feeling of balance within and then doing them on a regular basis is a major step toward personal freedom. We are body, mind and spirit so if we are to find balance and harmony we must engage all three.
For many years I have had what I call bookends. Something I do every evening and every morning to create a deep connection and enhance the balance and harmony in my life. For a time I had gotten busy and stopped doing my morning exercise routine. When I did it again for the first time I immediately felt my mind, my body and my spirit go ahhhhh.
If I take time to listen to my inner knowing I find activities that facilitate that balance. If I then turn those activities over to my mind they can become a meaningless ritual. Each morning I write, meditate and do my very modified ‘yoga’ routine. It works for me. At night before I go to bed I again write, review my day and clear any energy stuck there and then read my Mahalo card – a place I list all the things I have to be grateful for.
What role does balance and harmony play in your daily routine?
With love,
Life is but a dream – make it a great one!
Allowing Abundance
a six week teleclass ~ starting March 19th