by Susan Gregg | Nov 25, 2015 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Blog, Faith, Fear, Gratitude, Intent, Love, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Video |
Aloha and Happy Thanksgiving, Here in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving Day today. It is my favorite holiday. A day dedicated to gratitude and thanksgiving. What could be better than gratitude and love? Lots of people use it as an opportunity to overeat but...
by Susan Gregg | Nov 28, 2011 | Abundance, Awareness, Creating What You Want, Toltec |
by Susan Gregg | Jun 24, 2011 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Intent, Transformation |
A friend sent me an e mail and I thought I’d pass it on: I believe the U.S. Congress needs this wakeup call. Pass it on. Please consider forwarding, if you agree This is something I believe in and I hope you all read it all the way through. The 26th amendment...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 31, 2010 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Intent, Joy, Toltec, Transformation |
A few weeks ago I was watching the television show 60 Minutes. They were doing a piece on the economy and they interviewed some people who had lost their jobs. I seldom watch the show and I found the segment particularly fascinating. In one formerly affluent family...
by Susan Gregg | Sep 10, 2010 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Teaching Stories, Toltec, Transformation |
The Grandmother and the children sat at the edge of a large stand of tall pine trees. She looked out over the land. “We are the land’s caretakers and we must always plant more than we use. If you cut a tree you must plant at least two more. The Mother will always...
by Susan Gregg | Jun 21, 2010 | Abundance, Awareness, Creating What You Want, Faith, Gratitude, Hawaiian Spirituality, Meditation, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Today, let the magic begin … Title: Solstice Ceremony Time: Monday, June 21st at 9:30pm Eastern Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast To attend, visit: I love doing ceremonies and this one sort of sneaked up on me....
by Susan Gregg | Jul 30, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Faith, Gratitude, Intent, Joy, Love, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone, Several years ago I watched the movie Pay It Forward and really enjoyed it. The other day I was thanking someone for an act of kindness they had done and they said, “That’s okay I was just paying it forward.” I did some goggling this morning...
by Susan Gregg | May 29, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Divine, Exercises, Faith, Gratitude, Intent, Joy, Love, Meditation, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone! I’ve gotten a few questions about what exactly the art of allowing is and I thought the best way to explain and help you with this and similar concepts I teach would be to do it in a live webinar. I’ll talk more about this concept and how...
by Susan Gregg | Feb 22, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Divine, Fear, Intent, Love, Personal Freedom, Toltec |
Do thoughts about the contracting economy, the state of the world, terrorists and all those wonderful stories on the evening news make you feel uncomfortable? Do you avoid watching the news so you can stay positive? What if you could use current events as a powerful...
by Susan Gregg | Jan 25, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Gratitude, Intent, Joy, Love, Personal Freedom, Transformation |
This is one of the teaching stories from my book Mastering the Toltec Way. Enjoy! The Grandmother and the children sat at the edge of a large stand of tall pine trees. She looked out over the land. “We are the land’s caretakers and we must always plant more than we...