by Susan Gregg | Jun 12, 2018 | Blissfully Divine, Love |
With all the lava and the changes here on the Big Island I have been thinking a lot about community. Last night while I was soaking in the bathtub I started thinking about you, all the people on my email list. My thought was, “What if we could sit down, have a cup of...
by Susan Gregg | Feb 4, 2018 | Blissfully Divine, Creating What You Want, Love |
Life was never meant to be a place where we have to learn lessons, struggle, experience despair or feel a lack of love. I truly believe life is a gift, a place where we are invited to wake up to our true nature and have fun! Life is and then we tell ourselves a...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 10, 2017 | Blissfully Divine, Making Change Happen |
I have been incredibly lucky (yes, I created the luck) to have several wonderful mentors. The conscious choices I made were to do whatever it took to be able to work with them and to take the actions they suggested. One of Don Miguel Ruiz’s (author of The Four...
by Susan Gregg | Aug 3, 2017 | Awareness, Blissfully Divine, Making Change Happen |
The question is: How long will it take you to get to that instant? Change can occur in this moment. It really can happen right now. The problem is we listen to all the habitual excuses that live in our mind because they are familiar. When I was finally honest with...
by Susan Gregg | Sep 28, 2016 | Blissfully Divine, Teaching Stories |
It is fall. When I lived in Vermont I loved the fall colors. I would pick up ‘special’ Maple leaves and put them on my desk. Eventually the colors would fade and they would crumple up and get brittle. I even tried ironing them between pieces of wax paper but that...
by Susan Gregg | Aug 15, 2016 | Blissfully Divine, Blog, Making Change Happen |
Recently I got an email asking about goals and when I asked for clarification it became evident time was also a factor. Anytime we are stressing about time, worried about getting things done or become totally goal oriented we are definitely not in the moment. It is...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 29, 2015 | Blissfully Divine, Blog |
I have found when things aren’t going the way I think they should it is time to surrender and trust the process. Some times taking a nap is a wonderful idea. It took me years to realize swimming up stream was tiring and seldom allowed me to achieve the result I...
by Susan Gregg | Sep 18, 2015 | Blissfully Divine |
What a wonderful idea. Just Imagine what a blissful life would feel like. “Follow your bliss.” Joseph Campbell When I think of bliss I have wonderful images of being bathed in bliss, of bliss flowing all over my life, of ease, joy, happiness, fun, laughter … well you...
by Susan Gregg | May 17, 2014 | Blissfully Divine, Creating What You Want |
When is the last time you just laid on your back and watched the sky and just felt loved? Allow yourself to surrender to love, relax and be filled with magic, wonder and joy. Allow the magical child within to dream and to remember your true nature. If you had more...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 4, 2013 | Blissfully Divine |