I have an indoor/outdoor cat named Mr. Red. He was a stray I adopted a number of years ago. He loves being near me, but he’s terrified of being locked in. He often comes into the bathroom at night while I take a soaky bath. He sits by the side of the bathtub purring loudly. The other night it was cool and windy so I closed the door rather leaving it ajar as I usually do. A look of panic swept over his face. In the past when I have done that he has yowled loud asking top be let out, but after quite a bit of reassurance he settled down and enjoyed our time together.
I thought about his reaction and how easy it is to miss out on love because of our fear. In the past, the fears of my filter system have destroyed relationships.
We are energy beings and instinctively read energy. We may not be consciously aware of the energy, but we react to it anyway. If we are internally judging someone they pick up on it and react to that judgment. If our fear stops us from fully committing to a relationship our partner reacts to our lack of commitment no matter what our words say.
When I was a child I was very intuitive. More than once I embarrassed my mother in front of her friends by pointing out people’s inconsistencies. I found it very unsettling when people would deny what I intuitively ‘knew’ they were thinking. I think we have all had that experience at one time or another. What doors have you balked at in your life? Have you ever shunned love because of your fear?
Mr. Red reminded my quite eloquently to stay connected and ignore the illusion of what closed doors represent.
With love,
Two powerful classes beginning this month
Meditation Made Simple and Allowing Abundance