Aloha everyone,
Today started out sunny but when I walked up to my labyrinth I could see some dark clouds on the horizon. I am glad they weren’t indicative of things to come.
Here is a picture of Dale as she got ready to go to surgery. The vet is such a wonderful woman. She has taken care of stray peacocks we have found, cats, dogs and lots of chickens. When we asked her about Dale’s recovery she smiled and said, “I’m not sure. It isn’t like I amputate chicken’s toes every day.” At that moment I was reminded that not everyone would soak a chicken’s foot every night and bandage it. Of course, not every chicken would come to the door everyday to come in to get her foot cared for.
This morning it was funny because she was very restless and her wild friends all came to the door as if to say, “Good luck sister!” She just returned home and to my amazement she is walking even better than she was before the surgery. As soon as I let her out of the carrier she demanded food and her wild friends are outside the door watching her eat.
Animals certainly are amazing. I don’t think most people would be back to normal so quickly. She is in the backroom cooing and making all her chicken noises. Believe it or not, all chickens sound different. If you take the time to pay attention you can tell who is talking and what they want.
Awareness certainly has many payoffs. Whether it is knowing what your favorite animals wants or making choices that will allow you to create what you want when you want it! Life truly is an incredible energy system that gracefully and graciously responds to all of our thoughts and feeling.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I’ll keep you posted about my adventures with chickens and Dale’s progress.
With love, aloha and a sigh of relief,
Hooray for Dale! I am so happy the surgery went well and she is already feeling better.
Daisy the Curly Cat’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Daisy in Chains
Enjoyed your post and glad she is feeling better! She is a beautiful bird – lucky you to have her!
kml’s last blog post..ABC Wednesday – Parched Mud
Tell Daisy thanks for all her purr-fect good wishes.
And kml I am so grateful to have her and all the other magical animals (and people) in my life.
We have a chicken we call the Pecker – she comes to the front door and knocks when she wants food too.
Consider Dale hugged!
Well, I’m glad that Dale is feeling better. 🙂
My grandmother’s neighbor used to have chickens, but I never knew that they all sounded different. I learned something new today!
Angelika’s last blog post..I just sent an e-mail
Thanks Angelika, Dale is doing a whole lot better. So much so that she is getting a bit feisty about keeping her bandage on!
I enjoy reading your blog and your stories about your little critters/animals/pets!!!I look forward to more stories about Dale. 🙂
Ellen’s last blog post..Do You Save Your Product Receipts?
Thank you for your posts about Dale! I’m glad she’s doing better.
I’m going to be getting six chickens this summer, and I can’t wait! It’s nice to read about such a nice chicken as Dale.
Bethany James’s last blog post..Rain, Rain, Go Away
Aloha Ellen and Bethany … thanks for posting. Dale is a lucky chicken to have so many friends.
Wow! Get well soon Dale! (As well as you can be with toes missing anyway). What a remarkable story. Thanks for sharing in such a thoughtful and beautiful way, Susan 🙂