
Some folks have asked me about the little E card on my blog site. A while ago my web magician Zack signed me up for EntreCard. It is a way to meet other bloggers and let people know your blog exists. I have gotten to read and thoroughly enjoy some blogs I never would have known existed otherwise.

It has a long list of blogs with a variety of topics so you might want to check EntreCard out. Right now they are having a promotion. They have just added a new feature so you can link more than one blog to your account and they just released a free e book telling you all about the ins and outs of EntreCard. If your curious you can go to this link and download it.

Entrecard’s official ebook

Anyone familiar with my blog knows I don’t talk much about the business aspect of the Internet but I do talk a lot about dominion and I think EntreCard is a wonderful example of that paradigm in action.

With love and aloha,