When we get clear about what we do want and let go of focusing on what we don’t want the quality of our lives improve exponentially. Here is a short video I amde abotu clarity. I hope you enjoy it and as always this comment junkie loves reading your comments.
With love and aloha,
PS. For a short time I am offering free sessions to help you get clarity. I think of them as live reviews. Just click here to find out more and sign up.
Thank you for sharing this today. I really needed reminded to focus on what I want which is connection to my Spirit, health and energy. Your sharing is so helpful and beneficial. Really appreciate you putting forth your efforts.
I never ceased to be amazed how what I write or record shows up at just the right time for so many people. I just love the synchronicity of it all.
Thanks Maryanne
Hi Susan, Clarity is so important when I’m feeling that I can see the wood for the trees! I’m learning to accept what arises, let go of what I don’t want and embrace what I do want. This allows ‘the space’ for clarity to emerge. Thanks for the years of teaching and support. Gillian xx
Thanks Gillian. It is always nice to see your name pop up. It has been fun sharing your journey – rock on!!!
With a big smile and lots of love,
I found this video to flow right along with your books I’ve come across over my Kindle. Thanks for adding more insight into clarity, and thanks for really bringing into clarity many things I’ve struggled with throughout my life, pertaining to spirituality. I was brought up in a staunch religious home, followed that path, yet found myself only living what others told me I believed. Over the past 4 or so years, I’ve been on a journey of discovering what I believe, and reading your books has enriched that process immensely! I look forward to delving further into what’s ahead on this journey! I pray you are blessed exceedingly as you continue doing what you do. Thanks again.
Thanks Bruce and thanks for your prayers for me.
With love, Susan
very nice advise, Susan, thanks-Get clarity-Focus on what you want, not what you do not want-what do you want more of? Do not be like the guy that forgot he wanted to drain the swamp as he had his ass surrounded by alligators-Surround yourself with images of things that are pleasing-sometimes images really do have power-clear away the mind pictures you do not want, replace them with the images you want, create for yourself the awesome life you want
Thanks Zaneta
Glad you liked the video – I enjoy making them and will be making anothe rone Monday.
With love, Susan