three simple steps to do just that.
Loving yourself, selfishly loving yourself is highly under rated. So give yourself a lot of loving attention and see what happens. The video below is an great reminder!
I am about to give some love to my web site
I haven’t posted for the last few weeks because I have been busy loving my web site. If all goes well in the next few weeks my web site will have a new look. And I look forward to your thoughts about the new look.
In the meantime here is a video that pretty much says it all….
Until next time …. with a new look and lots of love. Any thoughts about what you’d like to see more of, less of or what you really enjoy already??? I love reading your comments so let me know!!!
With joy, love and a bit overwhelmed,
Thank you Susan, this is such an appropriate message for me today in my journey to beat 4yrs of depression. I had a CBT session today and the message was fairly similar. I love reading your daily emails and always find them appropriate, easy and short to read despite having two young boys running around likd mad men! Keep up your truly inspiring work. Lisa xx thousands of miles away in Ireland!
Let the lush green of your country fill you with love and heal your heart and your soul.
Sending lots of love, Susan
Thanks, Susan, for your spot-on insight. Self-Love is the First Love. As Jesus said, Love your neighbor as yourself. How can you love your neighbor if you can’t love yourself first. I like the analogy of a passenger with an infant on an airplane instructed by the attendant to put the oxygen mask on yourself first BEFORE doing so on the infant.
Aloha and Namaste, Susan!
Yes indeed …. loving selfishness is highly underrated! With out self love and self care we have nothing left fr other. Thanks for sharing Dave.
With love, Susan