You’ve all no doubt heard, “When the universe gives you lemons make lemonade.
A week ago my water pump died and then Bea resurrected it. This week our refrigerator
stopped working and trying to find a repairman on a weekend under stay at home orders was
another thing. I could have a negative opinion about those events or choose to see those
events through the eyes of love.
I choose love. For a long time I’ve wanted to try making Queso Fresco. Every week I buy a
gallon of milk for my coffee. Without proper refrigeration the milk won’t keep so this week I am
going to use half of it to make cheese.
I’m really excited, I get to make cheese!!! I could focus on having to use coolers and getting ice almost daily, or worry about what else might break or just enjoy the adventure of making cheese for the first time.
Choices and outcomes. Our choices, how we choose to see life dictates our experience of life. I’m a lemonade kind of person. How about you?
Have an amazing week full of love, laughter and joy or not! Last night the last of the parts needed to fix the refrigerator came, so I better get busy making cheese today before the refrigerator is again working!
With love and aloha,
I have another greats story about kittens knocking books off the bookcase and the profound message that delivered. I tell you all about it later this week in a video.
And I’m about to open up the doors for an amazing Hawaiian retreat, no traveling necessary and it will be life changing.
Great example of how to enjoy life on life’s terms. Thanks.
Thanks – today I’m making a video on changing the story behind our experience.
Much love and aloha, Susan