I have found the best way to feel ‘love’ or ‘loved’ is to be grateful for what is, whatever that is is.
Years ago I remember talking to one of my mentors and she asked what I was grateful for and I replied, “Nothing.”
I was feeling very angry and unloved. I had just lost anther job and felt hopeless to say the least.
She replied, “If you believe you have nothing to be grateful for you are in BIG trouble.”
She was right but at the time I couldn’t see it. I had lost a job, had no money and had no idea where my next meal was coming from. But I did have friends. It took a serious suicide attempt and weeks to realize gratitude was the doorway to freedom.
I awoke in that intensive care unit with a determination to do whatever it took to change my filter system. The first thing I did was write a gratitude list of everything I could think of to be grateful for. Gratitude filled my life with a sense of hope and love.
The secret to love is to love. Love what is, be grateful and open your heart and mind to the sea of love that you ALWAYS swim in. Once you do magic and miracles will occur.
Love. Love what is. Be grateful and be open to the magic that surrounds you. Reach out to your Guardian Angel and be grateful that you are surrounded by loving, beings of light.
See what happens. I know if you these simple things your life will become an incredible work of art.
With love and aloha,
They send out a daily version Buddhadoodles and am grateful they allow me to use their images.
Dear Susann, thanx for your words of love. And thanx for sharing your story of suicide, no job and to less money. That was my story too. I had a poor mindset, but I didn’t now. You remind me to stay on the path of love. And sometimes, like this morning, I heard the voice inside of anger and shame. You helped me to be aware of it. Ok, I’m grateful for one of my best friends come to visit me. She always want to help me, but I feel ashamed of it. It’s better to be grateful. Lots of love, aloha. Sascha
Love is the best choice always – shame comes from our filter system – love from our spirit. If we shift our point of creation from our mind to our spirit our life becomes an amazing magical adventure filled with abundance, happiness and joy.
You are a prefect, limitless being of light … just allow yourself to embrace yourself.
Sending you lots of love, Susan
this was beautiful Susan, it came straight from your heart-a tribute to love and gratitude
Thanks Zaneta