buddha doodlesWhen is the last time you just laid on your back and watched the sky and just felt loved?

Allow yourself to surrender to love, relax and be filled with magic, wonder and joy. Allow the magical child within to dream and to remember your true nature.

If you had more than enough money and all the time in the world what would you do right now?

If anything was possible what would you create?

What is your deepest dream, wish and desire? Write it on a piece of paper and put it some place you can see it often.

I love her doodles. You can get Molly Hahn’s daily Buddha Doodles delivered to your inbox for free! Sign up here

I’d love to see your answers in the comment box then we could all hold the image of it becoming a reality. I’d love to help you make it so! I will be giving away a free Kindle soon to my favorite commenter.

With love and a deep knowing that anything is possible,