When is the last time you just laid on your back and watched the sky and just felt loved?
Allow yourself to surrender to love, relax and be filled with magic, wonder and joy. Allow the magical child within to dream and to remember your true nature.
If you had more than enough money and all the time in the world what would you do right now?
If anything was possible what would you create?
What is your deepest dream, wish and desire? Write it on a piece of paper and put it some place you can see it often.
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I’d love to see your answers in the comment box then we could all hold the image of it becoming a reality. I’d love to help you make it so! I will be giving away a free Kindle soon to my favorite commenter.
With love and a deep knowing that anything is possible,
This morning you made me realize that if life was a dream, I would immediately stop working in an office and I would take creative activities and a charity social work. I would also share my life with the best friend I ever met, but this not a question of money….and maybe more difficult to realize
Wish you the best
Regine life is a dream. If you set your intent to allow your life to become magical believe me it will. Love what you do and then what you do will be more loving ….
With love, Susan
My life is going awesome right now! Yet, my bubbling dream is a summer with lots of beach time, passion weekends with my husband, higher levels of fitness, and chunks of time with nothing in my calendar for many creative projects bubbling along. This weekend I tried out three new recipes and cooked them in an easy and relaxed manner. It was such a joy.
Aloha Natalie … I am sure you can manifest that bubbling dream. Let’s just make it so!
With love and aloha, Susan
I believe life is meant to be awesome! It wasn’t till I actually acted on this belief that things began to manifest. There was a lot of things I had to change- not easy, but worth it!!! As I fast forward, I find myself repeatedly having to check in and release.
Living a mindful life and not letting busy-ness get in the way is my ideal life- I can be with Love (the only thing that matters) and know to the deepest of depths all is well!
Adelee let love be your guide now and always. Letting go does take practice and the results are so worth it!!!!
With a big smile of thanks, Susan
The last time I just relaxed, laid back and watched the sky was in March of this year. Eight of us friends with nothing but sleeping bags set out under the wide open desert skies, on the Arizona Utah border in pink coral sand dunes land . The chosen campsite was somewhat unsettling, right off a dirt road surrounded by twisted trees, carcasses and remains of deer whose butchered fate seemed to send a forbidding of unease through some members the group, myself included. We set up camp, built a fire and eventually settled in for the night. As I lay in my sleeping bag in the cold desert air surrounded by friends in a strange, mangled, wild land the sky was bright with a full moon and the softest most comforting clouds I’ve ever seen. My apprehensions melted off as I watched the slow drift of clouds changing the shape of the moon, our bright sentinel of the night. Her body surrounded by clouds of animals, the most gentle creatures, lovingly covering the land. Foxes, whales, opossums, birds. Cradling the moon, blanketing the land, blanketing us. It was a magical earth moment where I relaxed enough to see the beauty, softness, and love that radiates on us all. Love shown down on us and I felt connected back to nature, the nature that we humans so often forget we are a part of and rise from. The dark and light were balanced and I was at peace in that moment. If I had more then enough time and money I would travel and experience more of the beauty, mystery and wonder of this earth. My deepest dream and desire would be to be able to work meaningfully, creatively and do something that would benefit myself and others to enjoy life more fully. I am grateful for my life and what i am doing and for the greater possibilities that we all can and are experiencing when we relax and allow the magic into our lives.
Except for the carcasses it sounds wonderful. Whatever you do think of it as meaningful work and your work will get more and more meaningful. When I was a waitress and cleaned houses I did it with love and as an act of service – I made it meaningful. Had I not done that I am not sure if I would have become an author and had the gift of being able to help others find and live their dreams.
Thanks for sharing Emily
With love, Susan
My greatest desire:
I live side by side with a partner who I love and trust and respect, and who loves and trusts and respects me. We support one-another and listen to one-another and share are love and our purpose with one-another. We dance in nature everyday. And we practice gratitude every day for the sacred love we share.
x x x namaste x x x
Sounds wonderful Marianne thanks for sharing your deepest desire – and so it will be, Susan
I think my deepest dream, wish and desire is to be at peace with myself, trust that everything is good and not worry so much about the material.
If I do this then it doesn’t matter if I lose my home or spend a lot of money starting a career I’m not actually cut out for.
I certainly wouldn’t wake up feeling anxious and full of dread as I try to second guess the future and make the right decision today.
I know I don’t need money or time to fulfil my deepest dream, wish and desire and all that is required is a change in how I think but this is tricky for me as I am financially insecure and probably a bit depressed. The latter always makes things feel a hundred times worse.
That said I still give my thanks when I wake up and before I go to bed at night and meditate on peace, love, health, hope, happiness and all the little miracles that are life itself.
Big hug to everyone and god bless.
Thanks for sharing that Michelle,
My life began to change substantially when I was particularly fearful, life looked bleak and I let go of all my have to and should thoughts and surrendered. I decided if my happiness resided in Aala park (at that time a place where all the homeless people congregated) so be it and I felt a sense of release. Then I just took the next indicated step. I learned to follow my heart and not my head. Funny how all the external stuff showed up once it not longer mattered so much.
Smiling broadly, Susan
I see myself resting and taking in all the gifts around me. I see myself loving myself completely and living from the authentic truth of who I am. I see myself healthy and having fun–laughing with friends, camping in beautiful places, and traveling with my partner.
Sounds wonderful Maya. I see you healthy, happy and basking in love too.
With aloha, Susan
I would create a safe haven for me and my children. Stop working a nine to five and live out my creative dreams of being a writer and publisher . Also if at all possible I would create more drive which is something I am lacking right now even though I want it badly its just not thete with the demands of daily life my mind is filled with doubt. More than anything I would want to create a place where I could have just one whole day to spend with my mother and ask her questions I never go to ask her when she passed on at the age of 12. I have been wishing this for 14 years even though im 26 I want that more than life.
Marian … I see you making that so! If you get quiet and listen your mom will talk to you. You could set your intent to talk with her before you go to sleep at night and you may see her in your dreams.
With love, Susan
I did what I dreamed of. To play with vegetables and fruits and I wonder what was happening. I was surprised about myself, I was playing like I was a little girl. I see the world in colors, form and material. I like to play with cloth and yarns. So were ‘the Munchies’ born. Then I play with words and letters and made my own story about them. I had a lot of pleasure on my own. Now it is still a book and will be published in august in the Netherlands. And then it will be translated and see the rest of the world. Isn’t it amazing! I did it without a penny, but I followed my dream.
Sascha, How wonderful that it became a book and will be published in august in the Netherlands. A while ago some women contacted me about coming to teach in the Netherlands but nothing came of it. I would love to visit your country some day and teach classes and enjoy getting to know the people. Keep following your dream.
With love, Susan