Heaven or hell really are just a state of mind. In two days I leave for Europe where I will be teaching for six weeks. By Monday I have to have my latest manuscript finished and e mailed off to the publisher. The only problem is it isn’t done yet!

Now with all the packing, saying good byes, last minute details and finishing a book I have a wonderful opportunity. To drive myself absolutely crazy or not. The busier I get, the more I remember I need to do the greater the tendency is to run out of the moment and think about what I have to do next.

Yesterday I was driving to town and thinking a lot and rapidly getting overwhelmed. As soon as I realized what I was doing I took a deep breath and enjoyed the scenery. I miss Hawaii when I travel and if I don’t stay in the moment I won’t get to experience it for the next few days either.

Once again I was reminded what a gift my breath is! By simply breathing I was able to bring myself back into the moment and enjoy the rest of my day. My book still isn’t quite done but I can enjoy sitting here writing in my blog and when I am done I will finish the last few pages and then go into town and get a lomilomi massage. All and all a wonderful day thanks to taking a lot of deep breaths so I can enjoy the moment.

While I am traveling if technology cooperates I will try to share my journey with you. Lithuania is a beautiful country and doing a ceremony in Stonehenge at dawn is such an awesome opportunity. My wonderful web designer Zack suggested I take pictures and upload them so I will.

No matter what is happening this week I remembered heaven is always just a breath away. So breath a lot!!photo_092004_016.jpg

With love and aloha,