October 14, 1983
It was a day like any other day. I had no idea that by the end of the day my life would be changed forever in ways I never could have imagined.
Fall in Vermont is a beautiful time of year and that year the colors were magnificent. I got an early morning call from my mom. She was excited and surprised because I had hired a cleaning crew to clean her home. We chatted several times that day.
It was a Friday night and I always went out to meet friends at a local bar. That night I decided not to go out. I got into my pajamas, turned on the TV and curled up on the couch. My phone number was unlisted and around 9 PM I got a call from a woman saying she was from the volunteer rescue squad asking me if my parents lived in Montgomery Center. I said yes and she said something had happened and hung up. I went crazy trying to find out what happened.
[Read on please …. I do link this up to you and your life]
Later that night I stood by a hospital bed in the emergency room making life and death decisions for my father. There was blood everywhere. My mom’s body was in the other room and I was asked if I wanted to see her. I couldn’t go into that room. I was devastated. I had no idea that my life was about to change course and a new life had begun.
The new road was far from easy because I hadn’t yet learned some very simple skills. In hindsight it is easy to see that I had been planting seeds for at least 5 years. Reading books, meditating and exploring but then like a turtle pulling my head back into the shell of familiar, habitual thinking.
It is amazing what a difference 30 years can make. My journey could have been so much easier if I had known about the concepts I now teach. I could have avoided so much suffering, a lot of struggles and a few painful dead ends, but my desire to help others create an amazing life was forged out of my bumbling attempts to create a better life for myself.
I often remind people that five years from now, if you do nothing your life will keep going in the same general direction. On the other hand if you choose to take some fairly simple, concrete actions your life can be transformed into a life filled with smiles, laughter, joy, happiness and all the wonderful things you desire.
Out of that desire came the series of books I have begun writing about transforming your life. I can remember even in my darkest days I believed life was meant to be filled with joy and ease but I just couldn’t find that path. That belief seemed like a cruel tempting morsel. If life was meant to be joyous how come I was so miserable!
Happiness is indeed our birthright, if we are willing to let go of our old, limiting beliefs. On a dark, stormy day the sun is still shinning just on the other side of those ominous clouds.
My mom was a poet and was horrified that I regularly flunked English. Once in grade school I remember a writing assignment, I didn’t get a very good grade but the teacher had circled the word ‘quaint’ and said it was a good word. I think my curiosity about word’s meanings and origins began.
So what does this have to do with you and your life?
I waited for a crisis, a traumatic event to happen before I became willing to change my life. At the time I didn’t know that was what I was doing but it was. Since then I have learned that if I listen to the whispers of my soul and follow the cosmic breadcrumbs, change can actually be fun and exciting, and even pleasant.
The day my mother died I was catapulted into a new life. At the time it seemed like I was a victim to the events in my life, certainly not the master of my fate. I had no idea what I wanted or what I was about to create.
So how do you listen to the whispers of your soul?
How do you find the cosmic breadcrumbs?
Having a solid answer to those two questions are two of the corner stones of a life based on personal freedom and the ability to create what you want when you want it!
In the coming months that is what I will be focusing my attention on sharing with you. My sincere desire is to help people find the easiest way to create the most stellar version of their life.
The first step in that puzzle is my book Happiness the Skill: 5 Easy Steps to Enjoying Your Life. This book will be released Wednesday October 14th. There will be 5 more books in this series about personal transformation.
I hope you choose to order my book this Wednesday. Begin your journey toward freedom, happiness, joy and love, lots and lots of love. A spoiler, a hint so to speak – make YOUR happiness the most important thing in your life.
If you have any questions, thoughts or feelings I’d love to read them in the comment section.
With love,
I am very long time follower and admier of you. Your wisdom and the light that has eminateted from the energy force has been a beacon for me through what I can only explain as you did a storm so dark there seems that no light could possibly break through. I received two calls in one day, the first one was that I was diagnosed with several incurable diseasees. I was scared but my Mom had all these diseases as well and she is my best friend so I thought we would fight them together. When I hung up my phone rang and my Dad was crying, he said baby they rushed Mommy into surgery and she’s not going to make it. We lived in different states and all I could think about that this is a cruel joke or test of faith. I asked asked if I could talk to her , and he said she hooked up to machines but he’ll put the phone to her ear , and she was breathing on her own so she could talk. When she got on the phone I begged her not to leave me, I told her that the doctors may know the disease but they don’t her and the beautiful light in her soul, I told about my knees and that wouldn’t survive if I lost her now. We talked for a while and she said to me baby I promise not to leave you until I know you’ve found a away to except this is the circle of life and not a punishment, and never stop trying to be happy even when they tell you your time is ending. That was Jan 9, 2008 my mom stayed alive until Jan 9, 2009. Hospice & the doctors have no medical explanation how she survived. I know she willed it for me. Now since her passing my condition has reached her state and with out her I am really trying to find something to hold onto to bring happiness into my life. My life was based on my career so I never had time to develop deep friendships, Hospices can’t help with the pain because I am highly allergic to any form of narcotics. I am blesses with four beautiful souls love dearly and I know they love me, but like you said I need to find something in me that bring happiness and I don’t know how?
Hello Sheila,
Sometimes we need to crack open in order to let the light in and for that light to shine brightly in our life. The only thing that is real is the love. Your mom is with you even now. I don’t want this to sound like a sales pitch because it isn’t – read my latest book Happiness the Skill. It will teach you how to be happy and how to leave your light behind for those who love you, if and when you transition. Life is after all a fatal disease – we all are dying. That thought can be depressing or a wonderful invitation to savor every moment. What matters is how much life, joy, love and happiness we fill our days with.
Happiness is always just a thought away. And only the love is real – so bask in the love that surrounds you and open up to the love that emanates from beyond this physical plane. Allow your mom to show you the way. How timely that my new book comes out tomorrow!! Please read it and allow it to change your experience of this part of your journey.
Sending you lots of love and big waves of happiness,
a very interesting post, susan
Thanks Zaneta
Thank you Teenie,
It certainly is my intent to help people realize they swim in a sea of love.
With a warm smile and sending you lots of love,
I was so sorry to hear what happened to your mum so suddenly, but how you courageously turned your life around,I admire you tremendously.
I really like your daily reflections,they are so poignant,so beautiful,reflective,spiritual and true.
I’ve had a very tough life in many ways, felt like I lost myself but hey I’m still here and I really need reminded of ways to look at life and of ways to grow.
And most importantly to be able to see the beauty in life,even when it’s very difficult too.
You are helping people with your kind heart and wisdom.
Thank you!