xmas angels2019 is just a few days away. The days are getting longer and the season of lights is a memory gently fading away.

I’d like to ask you a favor. One of my favorite person asked me first. So drum roll please, what is the favor?

Do an act of kindness and then share it in the comments below or by hitting reply and emailing me directly. Tell me what you have done and let’s celebrate that act of loving kindness together.

I helped a neighbor who doesn’t have a car on a regular basis. I feed the birds and do free healing sessions.

When I watch the news it is so easy to get caught up in negativity. The news often gives me the opportunity to use my Goddess Bless exercise. We are either adding love or fear to our world, thought by thought, action by action.

When we add love to our world amazing things come our way. Several months ago I signed a pledge to give 10% of any unexpected income to the Center for Spiritual Living. I was amazed at how many ways money could show up in my life. This week I got a check from AT&T – now that is a first.

So commit as many random acts of kindness as you can and see what happens. I know you will be happily surprised.

Next month I’ll be making my first podcast in several years. I’m excited about starting them up again. I’ll also be doing live gatherings (over zoom) so we can meditate together.

Let’s create an awesome year full of love, magic and miracles.

With love and aloha,