It is my sincere belief that 2018 will be awesome!
I’ve been doing videos on Facebook and realized I’ve let my blog slide and haven’t been posting videos on my site of YouTube. I’m back …..
I am very excited to share that I just signed a a contract with Hierophant Publishing to create Warrior Goddess Oracle Cards. I have wanted to produce a set of cards for a number of years and now they will become a reality! Dreams do come true if we set our intent and allow for the possibilities to show up. We can make possibilities to become probabilities.
What will 2018 look like for you?
If we watch the news we can have a very skewed version of what is possible. There can be fear and doubt or we can decide consciously what we want to create.
We do create our reality so do you want to create one filled with love or fear. The choice is yours, thought by thought and action by action.
When we watch the news we can have judgment and fear or realize there are events we just need to send more love to.
What is your intent for 2018?? There is power in numbers so I’d love to see you set your intent and post it in the comment section.
With love and aloha until next time,
My intent for 2018 is love, love, and more love and to invite more people to come play with me at my home.
Be sure to keep us updated on the oracle cards. My intent for 2018 is caring more for self and others instead of things.
The basis for an awesome life always begins with loving yourself. Years ago I started by making a list of nurturing things and do at least one daily. It was a wonder exercise in getting to know myself as I experimented with my list.
Have an awesome 2018 (and rest of 2017) full of magic, love and laughter, Susan
Thank you for the wonderful reminder. And, Happy New Year to all.
And thank you for your thoughtful cards. Sending you a BIG cosmic hug, Susan
Aloha Susan, during the holidays i love what you said about creating and inviting friends into your life. It’s a tough time for many and your ever joyful take is catching. If I take a step towards the dark, your teachings on creating ones own life and having ones sense of creating joy and love, for oneself has been wonderful to keep self love in my life, and the step becomes joyful. Giving to myself allows me to give to those I love. Thanks for your insights and enthusiasm. Geoff Happy Holidays
Self love is the magic elixir of life. May joy be your guide as you move through life. Thanks for allowing me to be part of your journey Geoff.
My intent for 2018 is to deepen my connection or coming into alignment with my Spirit, my Soul, Who I Really Am, in the Vortex.
Right on Dave – being one with all that is and that is you …. 2018 will be amazing!
With a big smile, Susan
My intent for 2018 is to continue to deepen my connection to my spirit through my daily meditations and to spread love and hope wherever I cam. Sending you much Love and Aloha Susan!! <3
Thanks Wendy – see you in May!!!