Recently one of my students broke her leg. After putting in pins and plates the doctor told her the leg was fixed but not healed. When I heard that I started thinking about the difference. It is easy to fix something, but to truly transform it and heal is an entirely different matter.

I started exploring how they each felt. Fixing something seemed superficial and tenuous while healing something felt deeper and more like letting go rather than rearranging.

Students often tell me that of the three masteries they find transformation the hardest. Transformation is much easier when we incorporate the Hawaiian concept of pono. Everything is pono (perfect) until we think otherwise. When we include that in our process we realize we move from one perfect moment to the next. Transformation is no longer an effort it is just a matter of letting go of whatever belief, agreement or assumption has been limiting us.

Life is a constant invitation to connect more fully with our filter system or our spirit. There are no errors or tragedies just opportunities to choose how we feel, what we think and what we are going to create next.

Playing with the difference between fixing something and healing or transforming it is an interesting exploration and a wonderful exercise.

With love,

Life is but a dream – make it a great one!
Brush up on your meditation skills –
Meditation Made Simple starts February 15th