Do you really want to continue to listen?
The conversation goes on and on creating results in your life you don’t like and really don’t enjoy.
Isn’t it time to change the station?
And how do you do that?
If you explore the internet you will find a lot of information about mindfulness and exercises to help you quiet your mind.
There is a very easy way to quiet your mind that really improves the quality of your life dramatically in the process.
Curious? Willing to give it a try?
Well actually as Yoda says, “ There is no try. There is do or don’t do.”
There are a few steps but no moving parts … Enjoy!!!
I’d love to see your questions, comments and feedback in the comment section below.
With love and aloha,
Beautifully said
so nice visiting with you and thanks for the reminder. Love everything equally. Judgements do make me angry. and I don’t need to go there. Especially if I can’t change it. I’m sorry that I missed your podcast on 5/10 . I planned on attending and just spaced it out. Will you be doing it again?
Yes, I will be doing another webinar this Thursday, May 21st. Here is the link – It will be a powerful webinar with lots of suggestions about how to live in peace, love, joy, ease and abundance. So nice to see you Penny and thanks for commenting!
With love, aloha and a big smile, Susan
Thank you so much for the reminders and for sharing. Have read all of your books and they’ve been a blessing. Looking forward to your new book.
I am glad you enjoy my books. I too am excited about my newest book.
With love and aloha, Susan
That’s true. It’s hard to stop the judgement. But I recognize when my judge is busy. I went to the hospital with my teenage daughter. I became angry because she’s always sick (headache, stomache and so on). She feels quilty. but she can’t help it. When the doctor treated her, she sat on the bed I put my arms around her and rock her for minutes. My daughter became very soft and peaceful. She feels protected. She needed my love and help. My anger disappeared. Our loves helps us both. I experienced the sea of love. Aloha Sascha
Actually Sascha stopping judgment can be very easy – just allow yourself to become the angel you REALLY are. Let it be easy – judgment isn’t part of who and what you really are it is just your mind and your mind is like a puppy that needs training.
Thanks for commenting. Sending both you and your daughter lots of love.
thanks susan, very helpful and encouraging
Glad you found it encouraging Zaneta.
thank you <3
My pleasure Mary