Before I forget my 13th podcast is now on line!!!

Life is such an incredible gift. Life is an endless series of opportunities to connect with our limiting thought system or our limitless spirit. The past month has been very challenging for me and I could certainly have made it much more stressful and much harder.

On Monday morning my step mom was told her illness was terminal and she didn’t have long to live. They called in hospice and she came home on Tuesday. I was finally able to get a flight out of Hawaii on Thursday night and arrived in Florida Friday evening. She had asked me to come and waited for me to arrive before she died. I meet her three daughter as we stood around her bed and I was able to help her pass over.

Many years ago I had taught her how to meditate. Every afternoon she would sit with her devotional books in a sunny corner of her bedroom, read and meditate. She still believed in heaven and hell so I whispered in her ear and talked to her about love and the after life. I told her that there was no hell or purgatory just love and light and laughter. It was beautiful to watch. As death approached she literally began to glow. I felt her spirit for several days after she passed so I assured her I would take good care of my dad.

Birth and death are part of life. Life is merely a parenthesis in eternity. A blip on the radar of our soul. The question is what are we going to put in between those parentheses? I brought my dad home a few weeks ago and realized I was afraid of his death. I was once again afraid of mortality. Rather than fight it, I embraced it and decided to allow myself to feel the gift of beginnings, middles and ends.

Something happens and then we choose how to respond to it. It really isn’t about changing out there. Life is, we tell ourselves a story, and that story has consequences. If we tell ourselves a fear based story we create fear. Give yourself the gift of exploring the results your story produces. I had lots of details to settle for my dad before I could bring him home with me. At times I wanted to tell myself the story that I can’t possible get it all done and since I wanted to get everything done, I kept reminding myself of my mantra – easy and effortless.

If you want to be happy tell yourself stories that produce happiness. If you enjoy drama tell yourself stories that produce drama. If you say you want to be happy and keep telling yourself stories that create misery, tell yourself the truth. I want to create misery. If you want love and intimacy with your partner stop telling yourself about their flaws, focus on their perfection. When we fall in love we see only how wonderful they are and then some people say ‘reality sets in.’ What really sets in is our filter system.

Life is. What do you want to experience right now? Our orange tree was full of fruit and when I bit into one I realized it was a bitter orange tree so now we make orange lemonade out of it.

Look at how you are feeling and realize that is the outcome of your story. If you don’t like how you are feeling tell yourself a different story. We are all experts at arguing for our limitations. I have had the opportunity to ask myself frequently, “Am I willing to let go of that limiting belief yet?” If I’m not, I know I will have ample opportunities to let go another day.

Just how happy are you willing to allow yourself to be today? There is no right or wrong answer, just what is.

With wonder and awe,

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