We can live life with an open heart or from a place of fear. When we are really connected to our hearts fear retreats into the background, once again becoming an illusion. When we live life based on our mind’s perspective fear coats everything.
I know when my mind is once again firmly in the drivers seat. Magic and miracles become a thing of the past and I think about every choice, reviewing it from every possible angle. When my spirit is in charge I can live life passionately, fearlessly and just have fun.
In Hawaii we call it living aloha. My Aunty (teacher and friend) didn’t tell me about aloha she showed me how she lives it. There is a sense of ease, a grace and a joy to the way she lives her life. The first thing I noticed when I moved to Hawaii was the way Hawaiians smile. They don’t just smile with their face most of them smile with their soul.
Living with gratitude, begin grateful for whatever is in our life is so expansive and freeing. Judging what is, wishing for something else, wanting something external in order to be happy is so limiting.
The quality of our lives is so often dependent on the questions we ask ourselves. What do I want? How can I see what ‘is’ in an expansive and limitless manner? How can I see this through the eyes of my spirit rather than through my filter system?
Your intent – that which you are really choosing to create is always visible in hindsight. You can see what your intent has been creating by looking at the results you have been getting in your life. The question is, “ Is it your intent to continue with that creation or do you want to create something new?”
Be gentle and loving with yourself and all your creations. Love or fear – and I find love is always the answer.
With love,