I tell you that not to brag but to remind you that you too can transform your life. You can create whatever you want when you want it. You are a limitless being. All of your limitations arise from your filter system: your beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes.

When I stood in that courtroom in Vermont all those years ago and the judge declared myself and a number of other people bankrupt I thought my life was over. Had someone given me a glimpse of my current life I would have declared it impossible yet here I am. If it weren’t for the wonderful mentors in my life I never would have gotten here. Part of the magic and wonder of my life is that I get to help people do the same thing to their lives.

I was talking to a friend the other day trying to describe what I do and he said you are a listener. I’ve long known that I was a storyteller but now I realize the other half of my gift is the ability to listen. It feels like I listen until I find the thread that holds the person’s limiting story together and then I help them unravel it. My mentors could see my limiting beliefs long before I could.

Do you struggle trying to get your life working?
Is your life all you want it to be?
Are you living the life of your dreams?

This post is one of a series about changing your filter system and creating what you want when you want it so stay tuned …..

I am taking applications for my mentoring program until August 10th. Just answer a few short questions, I’ll send you some information and you may just get a free one hour session with me that may just jump start your process and help you see more clearly what your next step is. As one of my students said,”An hour with Susan is like the icing on a delicious cake.” During this one hour session we can address the most challenging issue in your life and come up with some concrete actions you can take to overcome it. I will also tell you about the mentoring programs I have and see if any of them might be a good fit for you.

I will l be giving away 8 free sessions so click the link and sign up now.

With love and aloha,