Here is a video that explores that question. I’d love to see your thoughts, feelings and comments in the comment section!! Any if you have any questions feel free to type away!
With love and aloha,
Here is a video that explores that question. I’d love to see your thoughts, feelings and comments in the comment section!! Any if you have any questions feel free to type away!
With love and aloha,
What an amazing journey – to reconcile opposites – to truly embody Love! To move from “knowing” to “being”. As Rumi said, “to find that field out beyond right and wrong!” To release judgment. My son wrote a song called “Every little day I love you more and more” This is my mantra as I view myself and the world I’ve created.
Much Aloha!
Thanks Nancy
There really is a whole different world once we step beyond the limits of right and wrong.
Sending you lots of aloha, Susan
Now, I really felt your words waves touching my heart !
I am just a little love radiator ….
Thanks Steph
Dear Susan, you really are a blessing… thank you so much for your beautiful words. My mantra is “Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?”. It has helped me so much insofar. Now I have a new mantra. All because of you. Thank you Susan and aloha from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. xx
Thank you Pierrette … love is an amazing, powerful healing force
So nice. Keep preaching it, sister! More and more are sure to hear this message.
Thanks Steve and thanks for your video on how to do black screen. It worked!!!!
After viewing I feel great agitation and tears. I know unconditional love only one way…that is with my natural as breathing…why so difficult with all others.
It is choice – love or not love. Much like a light switch. On and Off
Choose love, choose loving thoughts for everything – LOVE EVERYTHING EQUALLY – that creates miracle in our lives.
Try it Robert – see what happens when you stop judging
Your video and daily emails inspire me, I’m having a difficult time thinking I should love the stage 4 lung cancer and what it has done to my body.
Previously I lived a life of gratefulness, now having difficulty with that too. I need a new perspective, I’m not afraid of dying, the nausea, pain, and fatigue are wearing me down. Any suggestions? What would love do? Thank you, Gail in Stuart, Fl.
Aloha Gail …. loving nausea, pain and fatigue takes practice. I loved my new knees as they healed, there was a lot of pain and swelling but I loved them and the pain. They healed a lot faster than they “should have” …. what is what is and then we tell ourselves a story about what is. When you feel fatigue embrace it. I don’t have energy right now and that is fine.
Just love it all or at least practice not judging it. Start with neutrality and then move toward love.
Sending you love and healing energy, Susan
very nice susan, if ISIS were to take your advise they would put down their weapons, stop the killing, raping and destruction-and they would want to help people instead-let in love through the window and fear flies out of the back door
How true – I like the image of fear flying out the back door.
With love, Susan
I am so excited about what is happening. Thank you for this beautiful gift. We are all part of this – we just have to say yes and be there. It’s so simple. Thank you!
Sorry to followup my own comment, but I was thinking about the “right or happy” thing. I think that everyone wants to be happy, it’s just that we’re under the illusion that being right will make us that way. And that’s not it! Not only will being right not bring us happiness, there is no “right.” There is really just love – and we can say yes or no to it. It’s rather like Scrooge on Christmas morning – he stopped trying to be right, and finally it all shifted for him – instantly.
EXACTLY – all you need is love – and the Beatles song just buzzes in my mind
With love, Susan
Love is simple and it is the EASY way too
I recently went thru a very negative relationship. I was left was a huge anger. I reversed that negative and turned it into loving forgiveness-of both myself and the other person. Loving really does cure what ails one.
Yup love does cure everything – love everything equally will set you free!!!!!!!!
With love, Susan
I love, love, LOVE! Your wisdom! Thanks you and aloha! <333
Hi Susan, It really comes into it’s own when things are challenging. I constantly take a breath and remind myself ‘how can I see this through the eyes of LOVE’ which shifts my perspective into a different place where I can make a choice not based on my negative emotional response. It’s not easy so practise, practise, practise is the key until you retrain your responses. WOW Susan been working on this for years thanks to you and it DOES WORK! Love and Hugs, Gillian xx
It sure does work and if we allow it practicing becomes fun and easier ….
Good to see you Gillian
Love, Susan