Before I post my thoughts on love I wanted to let you know that my next book, Short Meditations will be in bookstores this April. It has over 65 guided meditations and if I do say so myself, “It is wonderful!!”

Also the 16th episode of my podcast Food for the Soul is now alive and well on the internet – it is about moving beyond fear – you can click here to access it if you don’t already subscribe:

Love as an action verb

The action of love is very powerful. It can change your entire life in a moment. When we connect with our godlike nature all we experience is love. When we focus on our small, limited nature we judge a lot and most of our thoughts are fear based.

You spirit isn’t a part of you it is the real you. So often life’s distractions are so intense and seem so real we forget who and what we are. We forget we are love. We are an expansive energy that is limitless. When we remember who and what we really are the only action we can choose is love – nothing else makes sense. Fear is only an option when we are pretending to be something that we aren’t.

We aren’t this physical body. We aren’t the dramas in our life. We are a spirit that can never die. Yes, our body can be bent folded and mutilated but that is not who we are.

When you watch a movie, no matter how involved you become are you ever really one of the characters on the screen? Life is a constant invitation to manifest our loving, expansive nature in this dense matter we can physical reality.

Love or fear – those are our choices. When we choose love we connect with our spirit. Every time we choose fear we deny the reality of who and what we really are – we align ourselves with our fear based, disconnected small self.

For a few days make love an action verb in your life. No matter what is going on around you choose to take a loving action. Express your true nature. Ask yourself: How can I see this through the eyes of love? What would love do? Make those questions your mantra and see what happens to your life.

As soon as you notice yourself judging anything or anyone, including yourself send them love. Not just loving thoughts but the active powerful energy of love. Play with the power of love and see where it takes you.

With love,

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The Magic of Life
Creating Relationships That Work