Have you ever wondered why change can be so hard? Why quieting your mind seems impossible? Why you can’t loss those last 5 pounds or the first 50? Learn to use your mind as the awesome tool it was always meant to be.
Enjoy and if you’d like to schedule a free session with me that option is still available for a while just click here. ANd remember I’m a comment junkie so please type away in the comment section below!
With love and aloha,
Thank you for today’s video about making life ‘easy and effortless’. That mantra will help me face a few things today. Love the mental comedy of being drowned in your water. Lol. Maybe the most direct entry point is the skin! I’m sorry I don’t comment often and I want you to know I read every email and you’re helping to make my life much more peaceful and joyous.
Thanks Kate. It is often by doing what we don’t often do that our life changes. Glad you enjoy the emails.
With aloha, Susan
Thank you for your uplifting message. It is so “easy and effortless” to listen
to your voice and smile when listening to you!
Thanks Janice. I remember reading a book years ago written by a man that cured himself of cancer by smiling a lot and watching funny movies.
Easy and effortless it is today and always, Susan
Hi Susan. As usual your message is on point for me. I have set my intention on being prosperous enough to pay off my debts so that I can gave more to the charities
I am currently supporting. I always trust that I will be abundantly provided for all the days of my life. I truly expect Source to respond to my asking for more prosperity as it has in the past.
Again, thanks.
May you be debt free easily and effortlessly!
With a big smile, Susan
Hello Susan, I’ve not only be using your mantra ‘Easy and Effortless’ for some time now, I’ve shared it with so many people. The energy ripples out like a stone tossed into water and it’s just magical. The simplicity of that Mantra says it all. Love Gillian xx
It truly is amazing how love creates magic that ripples out into our world creating more easy. I recently read a letter attributed to Albert Einstein (Thought to be a hoax) in which he suggested we drop a ‘love’bomb’ on the world and wipe out all hate, judgment and violence. His writing or not I love the idea.
Great seeing you as always, Susan
Hi Susan. Going to use your on spot mantra for the day. Thank you. I absolutely resonate highly with the idea of a “love bomb” What a magnificent change it would make. I drop my own “love bombs” daily with my words and thoughts.
Easy and effortless makes such a wonderful mantra and life.
We can each drop a love bomb on ourselves daily and just watch the wonderful fallout as people smile and appreciate the gentle, loving attention which allows them to acts similarly
Thanks Joan – I can just imagine the world filled with love bombs
Love bombing away, Susan
hi Susan love the video’s and all the newsletters you so generously send out i have most of your books and am truly grateful for them all
Thanks Doreen