key.jpgHopefully by now you have a clear vision of where you want your life to go and what your hopes and dreams are.

Now it is time to take action – Inspired Action

You can start by reviewing your dreams and desires. Make a list and then rank them. Which ones REALLY matter and which ones would just be kind of nice.

Which ones do you really believe are possible. If you doubt your ability to create one and it is important write about your doubts and come up with affirmations to over come your doubts.(more about that next week)

So what is an inspired action?

A few years ago I met my beloved. I seldom, if ever go to parties. I got an invitation to go to a 4th of July party on the beach. Somewhere deep inside me I knew I needed to go to that party, so I did and the rest is history.

I didn’t go out desperately trying to find a partner. I had actually gotten to the point in my life that I’d decided if I was alone for the rest of my life that would be just fine. I focused on loving myself and creating a life that was loving, supportive and full. I felt deeply inspired to go to that party and that decision changed my life.

Inspired actions are a powerful agent for change and connecting with that inspiration takes time and practice. Meditation, being present in the moment, practicing playing with your intuition and just allowing for the possibility all help.

So review your list of what you do want and take concrete actions daily. Listen to your inner voice and know you are the creative force in your life.

Have any questions or stories you’d like to share? I’d love to read all about them in the comment section.

Until next week aloha,