your life

the Real You

Embrace uncertainty

Allow love to
show you the way!

Live your dream

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. When I first started helping people transform their lives we’d meet over a cup of tea and as we say here in Hawaii “talk story.” Today we use search engines and the internet. I am sure there is no error you showed up here today.

So welcome. Feel free to explore. There’s lots of free stuff and information to help you leave feeling better about yourself and life.

If you have any questions feel free to use the contact form to drop me a line or if you’d like to talk you can always schedule a free let’s explore working together call, you’ll have to supply the beverage though.

Just a few thoughts  for you to ponder . . . 

Only the love is real but we often see fear instead
Letting go of fear and learning to love everything equally will set you free
Loving everything equally will totally transform your life and the world around you

Working with Me

Ready to be happy no matter what is happening in your life? Willing to let go of your old limiting beliefs and behaviors? I’d love to show you how to do that easily and effortlessly.

My Books

Susan’s passion is writing and helping people create an amazing life based on love.

Contact me

Have a question? Want to explore working with me? Just want to say hello? I’d love to hear from you.


Susan creates amazing retreats to transform your life at her home on the Big Island Hawaii for both groups and for just you alone.

  • What if you threw away all the “would-haves” “should-haves” and “if-onlys” in your life?
  • What if you finally realized that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you?
  • What if you remembered that you truly are perfect just the way you are?

What would your life be like then? It would be truly amazing!
REALLY, all you need to do is to re-member who and what you really are. And in the remembering you will see your perfection and the perfection all everything around you. In that moment you will know only love and that love will set you free.

Your birthright is to be happy, joyous and free. To live in abundance and live the life of your dreams. I’d love to show you how.

I help people remember, like to have me help you?

Why not schedule a free, short chat to explore working together?

a place to sit

There is an ease and a flow to my life that has emerged during my intensive program with Susan. Her loving observations and insightful questioning have deepened my capability to truly accept what is happening in my life. From this—and the suggestions she has offered me—so much has been revealed that I have let go of. I have stepped through a doorway of understanding that I know will remain with me for the rest of my life and am looking forward to what is yet to be revealed. I so enjoy having her as an ally on my journey to wholeness and balance.

Ann Roberts

Conscious Development

I know you may have had gentle or harshly challenging situations and events come to you. I certainly have during certain periods of my life.

Often you’re stuck in a condition of non-freedom or non-understanding while in these personal issues, or in their aftermath. You’re blocked and unable to enter a more spiritual state of mind and body. I really understand this. As a result, you have experienced confusion, dark-night-of-the-soul reactions and perceptions.

I suggest (based from my experience) to you that it is very helpful—and essential—at these times to have a guide or coach sharing knowledge and tools. A guide or coach provides you with the inspiration to keep you going forward in working on yourself and finding the right path for you.

My name is Susan Gregg. I am an inspiring adviser and loving guide who has worked with thousands of women and men (of all ages). I have helped them change minor or major facets of themselves, and have guided them into permanent states of contented happiness and a higher self perspective.

A spiritual teacher is akin to a business executive mentor: listening deeply, offering insight and advice that is both universal and at the same time very specific to the student. As a woman, I am naturally attuned to the needs, issues, conditions and perspectives of women who are searching for transforming counsel and practical tools to become the spiritual person they feel they truly are.

A spiritual coach is one who uses insight acquired through being taught by other wisdom teachers, studying closely under them, and through personal trials and successes over time. Please get in touch with me today to start a fruitful conversation.

What people are saying about me: Susan Gregg a leading spiritual teacher, coach, adviser working closely with you in all expressions of life, spirituality, love and attainment. As a Toltec Master and wisdom coach Susan Gregg brings to each person she works with insight, inspiration and empowering tools that catalyze real. permanent change.