by the light of the moon

Photos by Alice Popkorn

In the Toltec tradition the world is divided into knowable and unknowable, power and magic. The unknowable is unknowable so there is no reason to waste your time trying to understand it. I love that concept.

I remember when Don Miguel said he was going to teach a class about magic the following week. I was excited all week long, finally I was going to able to wave a magic wand and create what I wanted. Power and magic is also very simple and logical but an explanation that was not very satisfactory to my rational, linear fear-based mind. I remember when Don Miguel said he was going to teach a class about magic the following week. I was excited all week long, finally I was going to able to wave a magic wand and create what I wanted.

Power is unmanifested or potential energy. Magic is the result of our translating that limitless energy of creation and unconditional love into three-dimensional, physical reality. The world as we see it is all magic. Not exactly what I wanted to hear 20 odd years ago. I wanted a magic bullet that would change my life, instantly. We translate that energy through our filter system. Everything in our life is there by invitation, everything that isn’t in our life because we haven’t invited it yet.

We are all magicians. They key is beginning to translate that limitless energy consciously instead of habitually creating based on our old beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes.

What I would have missed

I just finished making a short video for a retreat I am having in May. When I watched it I was struck by the fact that these were all amazing images of my life. When I was a student I felt so hopeless about my life ever changing I tried to kill myself. As I watched that video my thought was, “Wow, what an amazing life I would have missed.”

I keep talking to people about creating what they want and the endless possibilities life holds, what amazing magic and miracles your life will hold if you are just willing to change your thinking and make different choices. As I watched that video the magnitude of those words really struck me.

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