Like gears in a machine our thoughts have power. They have the power to create a life filled with magic and miracles or a life filled with horror and limitations. Those gears inevitably turn one another, the direction is totally up to us.
Happiness and joy or sadness and loneliness?
Do you speak lovingly to yourself or do you judge?
Do you take time each day to feed your soul or are you too busy to take time for yourself?
Do you feel loved or unloved? Lovable or unlovable?
Do you value your own needs and or are others needs more important than yours?
Are you following your bliss or are you plodding through life believing the lies you’ve been told?
Beyond the smoke screen of your thoughts lies heaven
Are you willing to let go of hell and live in heaven?
Heaven is always just a thought away and so is hell.
So moment by moment what choice do you make?
Which inner dialog do you listen to?
Our thoughts are like smoke. They only have power if we believe them and then make choices that allow them to manifest in our lives.
When I first began studying with Don Miguel and he told me things like that I used to think, “Yeah right, easy for you to say.” Today I know it is easy for anyone to embrace their true nature, if they are willing.
You are a being of love, light and laughter disguised as a human being. You can experience the physical limitations of being a human being and live in hell. Or you can choose to be a being of love and light and laughter thoroughly enjoying being a human being on this awesome planet called earth.
Who and what do you believe you are? Are you an angel or a hunk of flesh? As always I look forward to reading your thoughts and feelings in the comments below.
What will you create for yourself this week?
Is it time you reached out and allowed me to help you set yourself free? I am always available for a short chat to see if we would be a good match.
With love, joy, happiness and aloha,
For 57 years of my existent it was always fill with negative belivies of my self. Rarely any positive thoughts or feelings. Never felt I belong and afraid of rejection. Just now I’m trying to try a talk n stay positive but it’s been a strugle. Loved by my gramma n my sisters but parental emotion abandon. Never been love ( woman), or a girl friend. @ now the woman I love only loves m as a friend n yo cherish but still it hurts. My lord, my sisters n her said to be patient u can’t change 57 years of negativiity, unlove n self dislike over night. What hv I done to myself? It hurts so much
Forgive the past, live and love in the present. It is never too late to love yourself and have a happy childhood.
Sending you lots of love, Susan
I’m wondering if as I continue to work on changing my old outdated filter system, when negative, untrue thoughts enter my mind, can’t I repeatedly say no to those thoughts?
Thanks for you reply.
Yes indeed . . .
Smiling away, Susan
Can I just say no to negative thoughts?
You sure can and that is how we retrain our mind to remember only the love is real
With love,
This is an interesting reflection, Susan, and one that touches me deeply. I know the truth of it because I live it daily otherwise I would not be here. However, I think it is a concept that is dangerous when “applied” by some people.
In my negative experiences, when I was sick as child with the flu or laryngitis, as an example, it was at least part my fault because I wasn’t using my thoughts as you say. If I had, according to my mother, I wouldn’t be sick.
Fast forward to being an adult with a child with a genetic disorder that, over 7 years, renders her completely bedridden with a feeding tube, severe seizures and no ability to talk, ending her life just before her 9th birthday. Then, 18 months later my husband leaves for another woman. Is that not a horror story? And that is only a glimpse. Did my thoughts create that life? I know that choices I made led to these circumstances, and I accept that and change, but to say our thoughts alone create our circumstances is a burden I do not want for myself or to place on others. Because sometimes genes are simply missing and end your life at 8 no matter what you think about it, and other people will makes choices sometimes that hurt you because of their own free will and thoughts especially in a relationship. It wasn’t just my thoughts that led to the separation, my husband’s thoughts are important here, too.
Now the good experiences. I lived thoroughly through those years, giving it everything I had as I was at the time, loving my daughter and helping her live the highest quality life possible and cherishing my husband every moment of my life. And when my husband, whose apologies are never ever given lightly, said he made the biggest mistake of his life leaving and wanted to return, I forgave him. In fact, I forgave him before he left. Because one thought that shapes my life is recognition and acceptance of who I am and changing what I can as I can and I can do this when I have understanding. But even if I don’t, I can love… And my quest is to love as true as possible. I have definitely grown through this.
And, yes, I do live in pain right now because we are healing. Because things have happened that I grieve and grief is a long process. But through it all I had love and joy, too, because in my way I believe I am swimming in a sea of love and love is all that matters. It empowers me to live and love through all that and beyond. To be courageous and face the truth of myself no matter how humbling.
So, I see the truth of how our thoughts create our lives. .. But mostly I know that it is really our thoughts that create the kind of person we are and if love is our foundation or center, we will live and love ourselves and others and continue to become the best of who we are and give that best to others, love, no matter what genes we were given or who chooses to be a part of our lives.
True love is wanted the best for another even if it means letting go in some firm or another. And we have to live ourselves the same.
But these thoughts may not shape acts of nature or other people’s wills. Only or own and the response we give. Fear or love?
When I first realized I created my reality my reality was a mess because I didn’t consciously choose my thoughts. I believed the lies of my filter system and caused a lot of pain for myself. I judged what was – very painful indeed.
Now I choose to love what is and consciously choose what I invite into my life. Grief can take a moment or a life time. It is our choice.
We are all angels hiding out in human form. We can enjoy the ride a lot more once we remember our true nature.
Sending you lots of love and aloha, Susan
Thank you, Susan. I have been thinking more on this.
How can we accurately gauge whether our thoughts are…accurate or, for lack of better words, a delusion of grandeur?
In other words, a person has skills and talent and even a bit of experience and success in an area and/or toward achieving a goal…but never a real break through. In my case, never being able to earn a living wage writing. After a degree, twenty years of effort and small success in getting published, but no way to make a living, is it time to change the thoughts and pursue something else or change the thoughts and finally break through? I want the latter but my record and inability to achieve my goal, plus the need to put food on the table, has me fighting to give it up. I am succeeding in helping provide for my family now doing other work I am good at and getting paid, but I feel like I am pulling the plug on my self.
Is it simply part of the transition of recreating my life, dying to one way of life and being reborn to something other, perhaps better? Or am I commiting a spiritual suicide?
I am a thinker, giver of love, creator and a writer. I will be that wherever I go, in whatever life I create. But the life I am creating now, or trying to create career-wise seems to be at a great cost. And I think, “But of course, that is what transformation is. The caterpillar gives up the caterpillar identity and caterpillar ways to become a butterfly.
Or…am I simply being a chameleon to survive and hold on?
I know you can’t answer these questions because they are mine to answer and I will ponder them, thanks tothis blog. It canonly bebeneficial. I haven’t paid you for your help through the classes you offer (yet) but I thank you for listening and sending me love, for the work that you do and the daily reflections. It is everything to me. Aloha and love back to you.
I find if I ask the question – am I seeing this through the eyes of love all the answers become so much clearer … then of course there is knowing what love feels like and being committed to always choosing love.
Sending you lots of love, Susan
this is so true susan, our thoughts can create-and the good thoughts are like entering a paradise in our mind while bad thoughts are the opposite-they create hell
So true we can live in heaven or hell – our choice.
With love, Susan