
I remember when I was wallowing in judgment, self hate and depression. I was on the verge of killing myself (boy am I glad I failed so I got to stay for the second act!) when one of mentors asked me what I was grateful for. I thought about it for a minute and replied, “NOTHING.” Her response was, “Then you really are in trouble.”

How right she was. I was taken to intensive care the next day and actually died five times. Obviously the doctors brought me back. When I got home I thought about my friends question. What was I grateful for?

I began keeping a gratitude list. Each day I would add at least one more item. I literally began bathing myself in gratitude and slowly I began loving myself and life.

Each day my life got a little bit better. As it improved my gratitude list became longer and longer. I was able to change my mood instantly by simply focusing on gratitude.

The most important thing in your life is how you feel. If you focus on anger, judgment and sadness you will create events in your life that are consistent with those feelings. Our thoughts do become things! Once I realized that I also realized if I wanted an awesome life I simply needed to consistently generate awesome feelings about what was already in my life.

When I feel less than awesome I realize it is just an invitation to adjust the direction I am heading. Judgment about what is really is an invitation to think, “What am I grateful for right now?” The answer to that question can just be me noticing that I might want to adjust my attitude.

So just for today (because today is the only thing we have) focus on the gift of another moment, for what is and for what your gratitude will create. That is the secret to a happy life.

With love, happiness and joy,