When we smile we cause our body chemistry to change. At a profound level smiling could change your life, improve your health and attract the perfect mate.
All that with a simple smile? Yes. But, imagine what would happen if you changed your beliefs along with smiling a lot. You could have the life of your dreams. You could have a job you love (yes, you will want to have something you love doing and I call that your job), a magnificent home, and anything else you might want.
Our Inner Dialog
What we say to ourselves deeply affects how we are feeling and the choices we make. You are the creator of your reality. Thought by thought, smile by smile. You can change your experience of life but it is an inside job.
It is so easy to think if I had this or I had someone who loved me then I would be happy but it doesn’t work that way. Happiness and love flows from the inside out.
When I work with people I watch their thinking change and then their life follows. It sometimes seems like magic when you are watching from the outside and unaware of the inside work occurring.
What is the most challenging issue in your life?
I would love to read your comments about that. I’m really curious. What areas of your life do you find most challenging? How do you feel about change? Is it easy or hard? What is your deepest desire?
I look forward to reading your comments.
With love and aloha,
PS. In mid June I will be giving away a free Kindle reader to one of my commenters.
Hi Susan,
The biggest challenge in my life is overcoming resistance to what is happening in the current moment, when I don’t like what is happening. I get caught up in the reaction of my mind aka filter system and can’t seem to drop the resistance and just accept what is, as though it were a matter of fact. The emotions start swirling, usually involving anger, and I get swept up in it. I can’t seem to put the required distance between who I believe I really am, which is the soul or calm, peaceful observer of all that is going on, and the mind and its dysfunctional thoughts and reactions to what is going on.
If I could conquer this, I think my life would be so much better. I keep working at it, but it is not easy and I feel I am not making much progress. I feel that I understand what the problem is intellectually, but I have not yet been able to avoid being caught up in the thoughts and emotions when they arise in response to the “what is”.
Thank you for all that you do. I love reading your emails. You are awesome!
Rick Armstrong
Thanks Rick,
It is really as simple as changing the way we think about life. And we can make that very hard or easy. Often when we are up against core issues the mud gets pretty thick and getting to the other side can be messy work. Put a little easy and effortless in your thoughts about it and see what happens. I am not sure you want to conquer it as much as love your way to the other side.
With love and sending you lots of ease, Susan
Finally moving to a sunny location (San Diego – from Seattle) BUT I have been looking for work for 6 months now. I feel like I have almost given up. I don’t want to live in poverty and some of things I’ve had to let go of (a nice car as one example), really do matter to me. Not for the ego or status symbols they represent but because I appreciate design, quality and things that are built with great care and thought – as much as I’ve tried to release what they mean to me, the thoughts/feelings keep coming back to me – they are things that are important to me but I need work/income to support these things. Finding it difficult to believe how hard/long it is for me to find work.
When I moved to sunny San Diego I had a series of interesting jobs. Maybe do a meditation with ‘a job’ and see what job has to say. Sounds odd but I did that with money at one point and he showed up looking like a green Michelin man. We had a number of conversations and once I changed some core beliefs everything changed.
Good luck Peter, your ideal job is out there once you allow it in.
With love,
Change for me in the big things is really hard. I don’t mind taking a different way home, or trying a new coffee or meal at a new restaurant. Love trying new things, meeting new people. But when it comes to big life changes, such as ending relationships that have been meaningful to me, or moving to a place better suited for me, or ending a job that wasn’t good, I resist it as much as possible. Then when the change is made, I struggle to adjust, I cry, I get anxiety, can’t sleep. And day by day things get better. And then I look back and thank myself and the universe, for the changes.
The most challenging parts of my life are about love and trust. Trusting someone with my heart. Heartbreak will do that to you.
Jessica love is the sweetest thing in life. Once I learned to really love myself I no longer feared being abandoned because I always had me. I used to kick and scream about change too but one day I decided to just go to acceptance without all the drama. (Although the drama is fun sometimes)
With a big smile, Susan
The areas of my life that is the most challenging for me is trusting and accepting people. So many times people have hurt me in so many ways that now I try to stay away from everyone and keep to myself and not bother anyone or ask anyone for their help. I feel that change occurs everyday for people and that you are constantly changing in one way or another. I feel that change is a good thing and it helps a person grow from the inside out. Change for me is hard depending on what it is if it is a small change I can easily adapt to it with no problem but if it is a big change I have problems dealing with it over time I adjust to it but it takes me awhile. My deepest desire is for people to see me for who I am and for me to have inner balance in my life.
Jamie I agree change occurs everyday. The more we focus on loving ourselves and setting our intent to create change in an easy and effortless way the more magical life become. I found that trust was an inside job. Once I learned to trust my inner voice trust became a non-issue in my life. People are consistent and when I listen to my intuition I know who is loving and who isn’t I choose to surround myself with loving people.
When you want to make a big change just divide it into a series of small manageable changes.
Thanks for sharing Jamie
Oh my gosh…FOOD is my biggest challenge. I don’t understand why I can’t eat like a normal, average sized person. I seem to want every day to be a celebration, and my celebrations involve food and soft drinks and treats! Also, I eat until I have that stuffed, Thanksgiving dinner feeling. This is my constant struggle. I don’t care to be super thin, or even thin. I just want to be around average sized and healthy and eat normally!!!
I know exactly what you mean Tammie. I used to eat just like that. I am currently in the hospital getting a new hip. The nurse said something about “since you are so thin” and I smiled. For a number of years food has just been food and I eat what I want when I want and just until I am full. It really is possible.
I am so excited. I am going to be sharing a lot more about going from being stuck in old behaviors,habitual thinking and moving into conscious living and no longer being stuck.
Retraining our mind changes so much.
With love,