What If You Saw Only Love?

What If You Saw Only Love?

Whatever we focus our attention on we get more of, so what do you want more of? How often do you judge others or feel judged? My mom and I had a tumultuous relationship. We often had screaming matches and I remember the look in her eyes when she asked my WHY I always...
How do I love myself?

How do I love myself?

I talk a lot about love and frequently get questions like: How can I really love myself? Isn’t that just being selfish? (being selfish is highly underrated by the way) Loving myself just isn’t a natural feeling, how can I change that? Loving yourself is one of...

The Myth of Being Unlovable

I feel like I should have a guitar playing in the background with a guy with a scratchy voice singing a ballad. Here is a short video I made about loving yourself – enjoy! And as always comments are VERY welcomed!       Knowing there is lots of...
Tired of feeling unlovable?

Tired of feeling unlovable?

No matter what you are lovable. No matter what you have done or haven’t done you are lovable. Neil Donald Walsch states in one his best selling books, “Conversations with God” that even Hitler went to heaven because there is no hell. That idea challenges many people’s...
Knowing you are loved

Knowing you are loved

When we feel unloved we lock ourselves in a prison and it feels like there is no way out. One of my posts, that continues to get comments years later is about feeling unloved. So many of the comments are from people that believe, really believe they aren’t loved. When...