by Susan Gregg | Oct 15, 2019 | Love |
I woke up this morning thinking about ‘what is love?’ An usual question to be waking up to. So I pose that question to you what does love mean to you? I’m sure each one of us has a unique definition of what constitutes love. When I used to work with couples my first...
by Susan Gregg | Jan 15, 2018 | Love, Personal Freedom |
The world that FEAR built Saturday morning I awoke to the ear splitting scream of a civil defense warning of incoming missiles, telling us to take shelter. Just as I woke Bea up her phone went off with the same message. I lived in NYC during the Cuban Missile Crisis...
by Susan Gregg | Feb 6, 2017 | Love, Making Change Happen |
Love, fear and our filter system. Here is a short video with some tips that might very well improve the quality of your life. I have decided to switch from recording podcasts to making videos. If you have any suggestions, thoughts, feelings or topics feel free...
by Susan Gregg | May 12, 2014 | Love |
Is love or fear your motivator? I love this image. When I am in Lithuania the group frequently meditates while watching the sunset over the Baltic Sea. It is amazing to watch a group of people sitting in silence just watching the sunset. When you take action with...