by Susan Gregg | Apr 25, 2018 | Letting Go, Love |
Yesterday I was going to remind someone of the agreement – Don’t take things personally. Then I stopped myself when I realized I was taking her attitude personally and had all week. And then there was love. I let go of my assumption and stopped taking things...
by Susan Gregg | Jan 4, 2017 | Love, Making Change Happen |
If you are at all familiar with my work you will have seen me write about loving everything equally and about seeing the perfection in everything. It has taken me a while to be able to apply that adage to Trump or as I have been referring to him mentally, ‘he...
by Susan Gregg | Aug 21, 2016 | Blog, Love, Making Change Happen |
It’s Sunday morning as I write this. I came up to my office to make a video about gratitude (which I will be making shortly) and was bombarded with stories about bombings at a wedding in Turkey and mass suicides in Attawapiskat, home of the first people of Canada. As...