by Susan Gregg | Jan 15, 2018 | Love, Personal Freedom |
The world that FEAR built Saturday morning I awoke to the ear splitting scream of a civil defense warning of incoming missiles, telling us to take shelter. Just as I woke Bea up her phone went off with the same message. I lived in NYC during the Cuban Missile Crisis...
by Susan Gregg | Aug 29, 2015 | Blog, Love |
When we feel unloved we lock ourselves in a prison and it feels like there is no way out. One of my posts, that continues to get comments years later is about feeling unloved. So many of the comments are from people that believe, really believe they aren’t loved. When...
by Susan Gregg | Apr 14, 2011 | Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Intent, Love, Transformation |
The three questions: What was the right time for every action? Who were the most necessary people? and How he might know what was the most important thing to do? Tolstoy’s short story: Three Questions Tolstoy wrote a wonderful story called Three Questions and the...
by Susan Gregg | Aug 2, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Faith, Love, Transformation |
Aloha, I love walking labyrinths. Whenever I do a retreat or travel somewhere I built them. I have one in my backyard that is very special to me. In a few weeks I will be building several on the Baltic Sea. Here is one you can walk anytime on line. Click here to...