When I don’t listen to my inner voice I always regret my decision. ALWAYS!
How about you?
Recently my gate opener quit working. When I bought it I listened to my inner voice YES and I bought the extended warranty.
I called and they had me send it to a repair center. So far so good. As I was packing up the gate opener I debated about sending the antenna along with it. My little voice (that inner knowing) said “Don’t send it” but my logical mind said, “What if it is the problem?” So I sent it.
They fixed the gate opener in just a few days, sent it right back but when I opened the package they forgot to include the antenna!
My immediate reaction was to get angry with myself and then I got annoyed at the ‘stupidity’ of the repair place. In the moment, I forgot anger never gets me great results.
I called the company. They apologized, found the antenna and sent it back by UPS. I was still annoyed that I had to wait longer to install the gate opener.
Anger is fear based. One of the things I teach about is when you create your experience from a place of fear the best you can create is more fear. Anger creates more anger.
Can you guess what happened? The antenna got lost. I was still annoyed and angry, with a dash of disappointment thrown in for good measure.
Then they resent it using parcel post, which means by boat here in Hawaii, and at the very least it will take several weeks to get here.
My stomach was churning and since I still didn’t have the antenna I obviously’ wasn’t willing to let go of all of my judgments yet!!!
So, I called the company still a bit angry. After several more aborted attempts I finally changed my attitude.
At this point it gets laughable. I talked to a very nice supervisor who gave me a gift card to Home Depot that almost covered the cost of a new antenna. Which would have been great if Home Depot actually sold them in the store but sadly they do not.
I finally laughed, let go and I’m not really sure what I am going to do next. I’ll sit with what is, trust the process, and be open to having a wonderful outcome.
So, moving forward:
- Remember to listen to my inner voice in the first place
- Get clear about what I do want to create
- Step into love and let go of all anger and judgment
- Visualize what I do want and know it will be so
- Then love, love, love
More will be revealed and I’ll let you know what happens next week.
Ready to sign up for a Loving life Session? I have a few spots available.=, I’d love to work with you!
With love and aloha,
Wow! Every time I don’t listen to my inner voice, things get crazy. I’m glad it’s not just me. 😀
I think it happens to everyone if they are paying attention at all
Nice Blog. So you got pass the regret after you let go of the story? P.S looking foward to your Facebook live!
One of these days the internet gods will be in my favor
Great story, Susan. I hope you find something you can use at Home Depot.😀
I still haven’t decided what to do yet – the antennas are available on Amazon so …. I’ll let you all know next week.
Thank you Sussan!
Your advice means a lot to me 🙂
Love & blessings!
Best advice I ever got was to always choose love
I know exactly what you mean about not listening to the inner voice. Not listening has bitten me a couple of times too. So I listen more closely and follow it without question (mostly). I know the guidance is coming from my higher self whom I ask to guide me every day. I have learned through experience to trust my higher guidance over the ego mind. I feel much happier.
Life certainly has a way of reminding Thanks Mona
Great story. I’ve been there more times than I’d care to mention. I find when I listen and send love things work out much better. Had a situation recently with cable tv. Three months of calls to them and cable guys showing up for repairs. I was getting frustrated and had to remind myself keep sending them love. It finally worked out and they gave me a $20 credit. And my reception is much, much better. I doubt I would have received that if I’d been hostile. I’m sure you’ll be given the perfect solution even if you have to spend for it.
It is amazing how our attitude effects out there – way to go!!!
It’s taken me all these years to finally listen to my inner voice,and it always is right , I used to sometimes not listen and bang things would go wrong and I’d be kicking and cursing myself I always get lots of warnings and messages from my inner voice and I always listen now because my inner voice knows best and is spot on 💯 of the time!
That little voice is such a gift funny how we ignore it until we learn better.
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