A few weeks ago I had the unexpected pleasure and the gift of being able to bless this precious little girl named Faith. Her smile was infectious and holding her made me reflect on the gift of life each of us has been given.
What will you do with that gift?
We were all once a small child, our future filled with endless possibilities and fully aware of our divine nature. I heard one of my favorite stories at a writer’s conference in Maui told by Dan Millman author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.
A toddler asked his parents to be alone with his newly arrived sister. He asked and asked and asked. The parents were afraid he might be jealous and hurt his sister so they set up a baby monitor and listened intently as the boy approached the infant.
He leaned over the crib and softly whispered in his sister’s ear, “What does god look like? You are so much closer and I am beginning to forget what that love felt like.”
We always swim in a sea of love
I got an email the other day asking me how I could possible believe this is a safe universe? They want on to share all the losses they had recently experienced.
Life simply is. We have a variety of experiences and based on our filter system (not the events in life) we have an experience. Life is and then we tell ourselves a story.
I believe we swim in a sea of love so my experiences are colored by that belief. When my filter system was more fear based most of my experiences seemed harsh and painful.
Sometime, very soon I am going to have my 15 year old dog Ginger euthanized. Will I go to the vet skipping with joy? No, I will be sad and I will miss Ginger.
I know people who have chosen not to have another pet because of the pain of that loss. How sad. Ginger and I had 15 years together of adventures, laughter, love and sloppy dog kisses. I wouldn’t have missed one of those years even though saying goodbye will be very, very sad. But I know only her fur body will die. Her spirit will live on.
What beliefs do you want to control your experiences?
What a relief it was to realize I didn’t have to change the world in order to feel safe, peaceful and love. All I had to do was change my beliefs. I am so grateful I no longer believe the world needs to change for me. Joy or misery depends on my inner dialog, not the world.
We live in a perfect world. One where some people can experience joy and peace, some people can long for peace and others can wage war. The question is: what world do you want to live in?
Stop trying to change out there and take the inner journey that will set you free.
With love and aloha,
PS. I’d love to hear your thoughts about this being a safe universe – pro and con. And later this month I will be giving out a free Kindle reader to someone who has commented on my blog or left a review about my podcast Food for the Soul. I loooove my Kindle reader so I thought I’d share one with you.
I believe this is a safe universe….the world may not seem kind at times but if we accept life as a continually changing thing and allow ourselves to change with the flow it is so much easier to find joy and happiness. Having lost several very close people and pets over a short period of time, people ask me how I can still smile….I just tell that that life is too wonderful not to.
I love that – life is indeed to wonderful not to smile.
With love, Susan
I’m a firm believer in “you bring into your life what you hold in your mind.” So I always look for the bright side, and it certainly makes me feel really happy. And I have an incredible life, even better than my wildest dreams!
Glad your life is better than your wildest dreams since you are the dreamer!!
Thanks Michelle, Susan
I view myself as having taken the red pill (if you are familiar with the movie Matrix) and I see the world for what it is. For some reason or another there are evil psychopathic people who want to attack other people. I’ve taken self defense and I know how to kill someone with my bare hands if it ever comes to that life and death situation. I think it’s naive to see the world as being a safe place and you may be putting yourself and your loved ones in danger by believing so.
With that said, I struggle with this viewpoint I have. I’m a positive person who always sees good in people first and loves unquestioningly. So in a way I feel that I can’t fuse together these two parts of myself.
Someone wise also said that the average man adopts to the world while the extraordinary man tries to make the world adopt to him. All progress depends on the latter type of man. So we should strive to change this world and not just live in our little bubble of rose color.
I thought I came here to change the world until one day I realized, who was I to say the world needed changing? Change it how? To fit my version or the version of the car bomber or the oil company or the environmentalist? Which version is the right one? They all are from the perspective of the person actively creating it.
Then I realized I could live in a world free of judgment and allow other people to live in their world too.
With love,
Hi Susan – I understand your point and it’s a good one. But don’t you believe some progress is inherently good such as finding new cures to diseases and finding ways to feed the hungry? Shouldn’t someone strive to make changes?
I believe the changes that matter the most are the ones we create within ourselves. Seeing the world through the eyes of love instead of judgment and fear makes a huge difference in our choices and our perspective. Your question just gave me an idea for next week’s free teleclass …. feeding the hungry. Thanks.
Making changes: Should we feed the hungry?
Wednesday May 14, 9:30 PM Eastern Time
With a big smile, Susan
Hi Susan
I too believe the Universe is safe. The world may not reflect that belief for so many, but the world we see with our eyes is not all there is to the Universe. I recall the quote attributed to Jesus for us to be “in this world but not of it.” Never understood that when I was young but after a long and continuing journey, as well as the time I spent as your student and apprentice, I do. I still forget but always come back. Identifying with my Spirit rather than just my temporary existence in this awesome body makes it possible for me to feel safe in a world that says otherwise I am able to feel safe appreciate the gift of life as a human being in this beautiful world.
Thanks for being there.
Janet oxo
Yes, there sure is a lot more to the universe than what we see with our eyes. When we open up to the possibilities of seeing the world through the eyes of love magic and miracles become everyday occurrences.
Always good to her from you, Susan
Susan – I very sorry about Ginger.
She is such a sweet soul but her body is just giving out on her. And she is a bit heavy to be carrying around. Her spirit will live on and I told her my mom and dad would be there to greet her.
Love ya, Susan
susan, sorry about ginger-you will miss him but he must be old and tired and you do not want to see him suffer, his spirit will indeed live on.
Yes, her spirit will live on in my heart. And I believe I will see her spirit in another body in this lifetime.
Thanks Zaneta
Hello Susan,
More than one wise person has told me that one of the greatest gifts of the Universe is that “life is meaningless until we decide what it means to us.” I agree with you that the Universe will give us what we are looking to see.
Sorry about your losing Ginger.
Thanks Ruth …
I agree with you about our personal choices in the way we look at people, places and things. I struggle with being a mother and a grandmother of 3 who worries about my loved ones and wants to give guidance as well as love and encouragement. It is hard to see people struggle with situations and want to “fix” it or make it easier for them, i.e., trying to be a controller. However, I try to follow the “live and let live” slogan I discovered years ago, remember my own struggles and how sometimes I listened to advice and sometimes not. I now try to let go and send positive energy and then look at what I have to work on in my own situation. When I work on my own issues with a positive attitude that seems to be the best for me and perhaps a modeling for my family and others.
Thanks for all your encouragement and wisdom! Meera