Aloha from the Baltic Sea,photo_090507_003.jpg

I promised Zack my magical internet adviser and pod producer I would post more frequently. So, for the next six weeks I will be posting my musings as while I’m on my travels. I just arrived in Nida a beautiful town on the edge of the Baltic Sea here in Lithuania.

Once I finally arrive in a new location I love being there and the events that happen are most often quite magical. It took me years to realize that the increase in magic and miracles that occurs when I travel is directly related to me be fully present and in the moment.

For me traveling removes the habitual nature of moving from one moment to the next so I am much more likely to be in the present moment. Of course, I can choose to be in the present moment in any moment regardless of what is happening around me.

And it is only when I am in the moment that I am available to experience the magic. Magic is always present the question is am I?  That was an incredibly freeing insight for me.

For years I had noticed times of profound synchronicity and I wondered about their coming and goings. Of course I create everything in my life, so the question was how did I create that? How freeing and how empowering is was when I realized it was simply a matter of my focus or lack of it.!

So here I am at the edge of the Baltic Sea. And the invitation of the newness opens me up to more magical experiences. As that awareness spreads though my consciousness I suddenly realized why some people move a lot or like the beginning of relationships or the next new job or . . . . And ironically that pull toward newness stops us from actually being in the present moment.

That mistaken belief in projection strikes again. At one level there is no out there and of course out there is part of physical existence. That said, when we look externally for anything, whether it is love or abundance or happiness we deny it to ourselves because we are no longer in the present moment and available to experience what is. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

In other words, be in the moment. If I want to be happy rather than waiting for happiness and I can allow myself to have it right here and right now.

Well that’s enough from me right now. I am going to enjoy this present moment which happens to be full of the sun and the wind and the beauty of physical reality and I hope you will give yourself that gift as well or enjoy whatever gift you are giving to yourself.

With lots of love and aloha,