I live in Hawaii so from most people’s perspective it is summer all year round. Those of us that have lived here for a while do think it gets cold in the winter but everything including the temperature is relative.
Today it is warm and sunny and it reminds me of summer. I remember what the first day of summer break felt like when I was a kid. I certainly hated getting up early during the school year but during summer vacation it was a different story. I would get up long before any of the adults and wander around the neighborhood watching it slowly wake up. I can still remember how the first light of the sun looked as it hit the buildings and the coolness of the streets. Most mornings the streets would be wet because the street sweepers had just been by washing down the dirt of the city.
Summer seemed to last for ever. Each day was an adventure unto itself and lasted for years. Then evening would fall, the streets would be filled with families sitting outside, getting way from the heat of the day. Off in the distance I would hear my mother calling me to come in for the night. I grew up in New York City and what I remember most is the light, the sounds and the smells. The city of my childhood no longer exists. It has been replaced with air-conditioning, cell phones and cable TV.
My perspective of time has changed over the years as well. It is so easy to get so busy with life and forget to take time to notice the seasons. I just finished teaching my monthly teleclass about earth rhythms. I did a guided meditation for people to help them remember to embrace the gift of life, to notice the passing of the seasons, to feel the wind and to take time to smell the roses.
Most days I take some time to just feel the earth and give thanks. On Sundays I go out and simply enjoy the day. Maybe take sometime for yourself to notice the approach of summer or winter if you live down under. Today you have the gift of this day. It will never come again. Give yourself the gift of savoring each moment of it no matter what is happening in your life.
Take a deep breath and give thanks for your life just the way it is. May your life be full of balmy breezes and laughter and ease.
With love and aloha,
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