Aloha everyone,
I first posted this in February. We have almost raised enough money to build a well. I would certainly like to be able to make a difference in the lives of a village. Can you please help me do that? It is my intent to help build a well and we are almost there. Every dollar you contribute goes directly toward the well, not one cent is spent on administration or anything else, it ALL goes toward the cost of the well.
The house I bought on the Big Island of Hawaii has catchment water. There is no municipal water system so I catch rain water from my roof. I liked the idea, it seemed very ecological. It does require work on my part to keep the water clean and drinkable. I have to change water filters and since we have acid rain due to the volcano I have to check the Ph and add baking soda. I also have a UV filter to kill the nasty things that can grow in water.
It takes me about a half hour a week to take care of the water system. When I had the UV filter installed they cleaned the water pipes with peroxide. I was shocked by all the black crud that came out. Up until then I had only used the water for bathing, not for drinking. I am very mindful of the fact that plentiful water is an incredible gift.
I was shocked to find out that 1.1 billion people have no access to clean water on this planet and that more children die from drinking contaminated water than any other cause. I have set my intent to build as many wells as possible.
I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a webinar about clean water and find an organization dedicated to providing clean water to villages. I had one of those ah ha moments and decided to help in whatever way I could.
If you click on this link you can watch a short video and then hopefully you’ll click the other link and help me give a village the precious gift of clean water.
Be an angel and give people the gift of clean water. We take fresh water for granted. We open the tap and there it is, but in so many places on this planet clean water is a luxury. And a shower or a hot bath is unheard of.
Click here
100% of what you donate goes directly to the project, every last cent goes toward drilling that well! And once we meet our goal, within a year they will send us photos of the finished project. Imagine a child will live because you gave them the gift of water.
My other blog, Angels on Your Shoulder is dedicated to providing the miracle of a well to as many villages as possible, each well costs $5000. Just watch the video and then follow your heart.
Please help me, be an angel and help these people have clean drinking water today. Thanks and please ask all of your friends to help too.
With love and aloha,