When I first moved to California I worked a series of jobs I disliked, a lot. I would trudge my way through the week waiting for the weekend. Then I would spend much of the weekend dreading going back to work on Monday. Not a very joy filled existence.
I had just started studying with a variety of healers and numerous other teachers including Sister Sarita and her son Don Miguel Ruiz. I had yet to master the concept of retraining my mind.
Slowly but surely I began to realize all of my emotions were based on my thoughts and my thoughts were colored by what I began to call my filter system – my beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes.
I decided to change those filters and in the process my entire life changed. I started asking myself some simple questions on a regular basis:
How can I see this through the eyes of love? and
What would love do?
I also explored my definition of love.
So, would you like to retrain your mind? Try it you’ll like it.
Until next time!
With love and aloha,