Today is the most important day in your life. Your future is created by what you do today.
If you aren’t doing anything different today you will get the same results you got yesterday.
If you aren’t happy with some part of your life what are you going to do differently?
Change can only happen today. When I work with people one of the first things I suggest is creating a daily routine, something you do that is in alignment with what you want.
Tomorrow never gets here, so if you are going to do it tomorrow or later, guess what? It will never happen.
So today make a list of at least three things you will do daily and DO THEM. Start now.
My daily list to stay connected to my spirit is: Meditate, Journal, Read for minutes (currently I’m rereading Napoleon Hills classic Think and Grow Rich), Allow myself to feel connected and loved, and make my To Do list for the day and do it ( I just started Bullet Journaling for that).
I stopped doing my daily things for a while and my life rapidly reflected it.
Today really matters. Don’t short change yourself. Each breath is a gift of life from your spirit. Embrace it and allow yourself to have a life filled with love, joy, abundance and all the richness life has to offer.
As always I love to read your comments.
With love and aloha,
I totally agree. Learned i needed to feed my soul each day. Makes the world of difference.
Enriching our connection to our spirit/soul is the most important thing in our lives. Thanks for sharing Sheila! Enjoy the journey!!!
With love and aloha, Susan
Today I am not going to complain about anything
Today I am releasing my fear based worrisome thoughts
Just for today
Thanks Tony but a small observation:
The universe doesn’t ‘hear’ negatives. When we say we are not going to do something energetically what we are affirming is I am going to do it. Not going to complain actually affirms I AM going to complain.
Focus on what you do want and you’ll get much better results. That shift sure made a big difference in my life.
Sending you lots of love, Susan
Always appreciate your reminders. My wellbeing quickly disintegrates if I don’t don’t daily feed my spirit. Love your blogs and videos. Thanks.
Thanks Maryanne
Thank you for the reminder to focus on what we DO want.
Could you write more about the importance of the words we choose to
speak, write and tell ourselves?
Thank you and Blessings
Great topic Janice – I will write about that real soon
I am reading a book by Lauren Vanderkam where she encourages people to keep a time log of their day. After just one day, I am already spotting the “time vampires” – those things that are really unnecessary but eat precious time, such as constantly checking emails. I can already tell this will help me reclaim lost time I can spend on those activities that really fill my soul.
Whatever works for you although I would hesitate to think to think of them as ‘time vampires’- words have power and I try to use words that are expansive and love based.
With love and aloha, Susan