The other night as I was getting ready for bed I was overwhelmed with a sense of dread and fear. It had been years since that had happened and to say that I was surprised would be an understatement. i used to have that feeling every night as a child.
The other night I decided to see it as an invitation. An invitation to reaffirm love and the endless possibilities life holds. I have a list of affirmations in the back of my journal and I began reading them. As soon as I began reading the fear lifted and I felt better.
I’m not sure what activated the old fear but I was glad I knew how to get rid of it. I could have immersed myself in the fear, had an old internal conversation, judged myself and felt worse but loving positive, uplifting affirmations set me free.
Notice your inner dialog and change it whenever you aren’t feeling expansive and loved.
What is your inner dialog telling you?
Use fear as invitation to reaffirm love. What are your favorite affirmations? Love to see them in the comment section!
With love and aloha,
If you’d really like to see your life change why not work with me? Sign up by the end of March for my weekend intensive and get two weekends for the price of one.
Wow. I sure needed this message. I have been struggling with fear and dread for awhile now have been feeling overwhelmed.
So I am now repeating my all time favourite affirmations.
I am love.
I am loveable.
I swim in a sea of love.
Feeling better already! Much love to you Susan!
I’m so glad. I was surprised when that old creepy feeling appeared the other night and was so glad deciding to use some positive affirmations worked. I actually saw it as a reminder and an invitation. Glad you did too.
Sending you a BIG hug, Susan
Interesting, I found myself gripped with fear on Monday morning. I also haven’t felt that energy in some time. I decided to lean into it for a while and see if it revealed anything. It didn’t, at least on a conscious level. I affirmed “I am safe” and “I abide in a safe and loving universe”,many times. The feeling did dissipate.
Sending Love,
I love thinking of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real – love always over rides it. You do indeed live in a safe and LOVING universe as do we all. Thanks for the reminder and the love.
How to understand “False Evidence Appearing Real”? Could you please explain this??
Fear is an illusion. It is created by a belief that isn’t true. Only the love, the energy of creation is real. Fear isn’t real, it is based on a lie we tell ourselves. Once we change our belief the fear goes away.
I like so much this article. So truth. I have been following you for years always like what you post/write. Thank you Susan. I am not anymore in fear. I love myself and love my daughter very much.💖
That is wonderful. Thanks for letting me know.
With love, Susan
Thank you very much, resonates a lot, cause recently I had been faced with fear in a pretty high level. Old subject in a much higher degree. Of course, there was a situation which caused it, it continued several days. I understood this is a great test to me explore in a new level energy of fear. Once I allowed it, explored how my body echoes to it etc-it could feel much better. Most of all I repeated to myself your “all emotions are created by stories we tell ourselves” -then I explored those stories – sure, works amazing!Thank you for that tool! My question – maybe now these fear energies increase/show up because of somthing in a collective field?
Things are pretty crazy in the world right now.Lots of people generating lots of stories that are full of fear and we get to choose – love or fear.
Exploring fear isn’t very useful – it just allows us to feel more fear. Noticing the story and changing it for one that leads to love makes a big difference. It would seem people’s beliefs are very strong these days. I am often reminded of the question: Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?
The choice to be right is often fear based. When fear arises in my life I ask myself, “What is the most loving thing I can say now?”
Situations never cause fear – what we tell ourselves about a situation is what causes the fear. I just read this quote and love it:
When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or our family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument. That is my experience. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change. Thick Nhat Hahn
With love, Susan
Thank you for your great answer. Makes sense a lot!