A Zoom Retreat – A Virtual Hawaiian Retreat
- Writing exercises
- Guided Meditations
- Opportunities to walk my labyrinth virtually if my technical idea works : )
- Harness the power of the group
You will learn:
- How to successfully set and use intent, awareness and transformation ( the 3 masteries of the Toltec tradition)
- Master Conscious Creation
- Create a daily routine that really works for you
- Develop a self care ritual to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those around you
You will experience the joy and feeling of holding space while you remember and know your own magnificence
There will be Zoom break out rooms
Time with me and private energy work
Bea Bueno, a powerful Curandera will do egg cleanings on each person (Don Miguel did a ceremony for her to deepen her connection to the modality)
Plenty of time to get all your questions answered
You will develop a deep, profound and clear connection with your divine, your higher self, God, Goddess, all there is, whatever you choose to call that part of you. Never doubt your choices again, feel that connection clearly and profoundly whenever you wish.
This retreat will be an opportunity to come together and hold that energy of love and acceptance that can lead to healing, of our lives and the world.
It is time – our world needs some serious help.
Join me in creating that energy in each of our lives. The ripples go out. Peace, magic, and miracles can indeed begin with you.
Friday May 27th Starting at 9 AM Hawaii time until 3 PM Hawaii time
(you can click here to translate into your time zone)
Saturday May 28 ~ 9 AM until 3 PM
Sunday May 29th ~ starting at 9 AM until we are done around 3ish
The retreat, including energy work from me and Bea, all the meditations and connections is $150