I love walking labyrinths. Whenever I do a retreat or travel somewhere I built them. I have one in my backyard that is very special to me. In a few weeks I will be building several on the Baltic Sea.
Here is one you can walk anytime on line.
Click here to walk the labyrinth.
With love and aloha,
I love them too. I bet you find amber on the shore line of the Baltic Sea. Let me know–always wanted to find it au naturel!
My desire is to visit each beach around the world. What a glorious planet we live on!
Aloha Doris,
I often find small pieces of amber and have quite a collection. Would you like m to send you a piece?
With love and aloha,
Aloha Susan,
You mean you visit there often and find it yourself? Cool. Sure, I would love a piece if one wants to come live with me. If not, I understand. I have amber but not au naturel pieces. My contact information and address is on the link above at my web site if some ancient tree is interested in me.