One of the first exercises Miguel gave me was to watch people, without judgment by simply paying attention to their energy. I spent hours developing that skill. I would sit with my eyes closed and practice feeling people approach. My favorite place was a bench at Sea Life Park. Eventually I got to the point I could tell how many people were approaching, whether they were male or female, a couple or adults with children.

I am currently sitting at the airport watching people as I wait for my flight to Mexico City. Airports are such a fascinating place. To think that flight was thought impossible for eons and here I sit watching planes land and take off. There are people going to places all over the globe.

What do you think is impossible in your life that you would enjoy experiencing? On my home computer I have iGoogle as my home page. Yesterdays quote was something to the effect that failure is just the opportunity to deepen your understanding of what doesn’t work so you can make better choices in the future. In other words we can expand our awareness and make choices that are more in alignment with what we do want.

Where would you like to go? What places would you like to visit on this incredible planet and in your inner world? Watch yourself and decide if you are the person you want to be, with loving acceptance and not judgment.

I am looking forward to helping people deepen their understanding of this world, to really experience everything as a vast energy system. As we travel around Mexico for the next few weeks they will have many opportunities to experience lots of different energies. I never thought I would be leading sacred power journeys when I was a child. And the adventure all began by me taking the suggestion to expand my awareness by watching people.

When I return from Mexico I will upload some of the images from this incredible trip. In the mean time practice watching people through the eyes of love and see what happens in your life!

With love and aloha,